Hi Ronni,

That's interesting; I'm not sure how much difference the limestone vs
granite would make but I have noticed that the signal travels pretty well
through the floor/ceiling interface - so the fact that only your downstairs
is limestone probably gives you a relatively wall-free path through the
floor ceiling.

Unfortunately, until my arm is out of the sling, I'm finding being one-armed
somewhat limiting & frustrating - so the set-up may have to wait a while ;o(

Still, it will give me plenty of time to read your tutorial ;o)


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 15/5/12 9:06 PM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> Hi Neil,

My house is two storey, mainly glass upstairs where my ADSL
> Modem/Router and Time Capsule are. The bottom level where my computer rooms
> are is limestone, no cavity.
I have full coverage in all areas of my house and
> can even be connected to my Network at my neighbour's next door. In fact I let
> them connect to my Network while I was arranging purchase of a new
> modem/router to setup for them after theirs was struck by lightning.

> you
> cannot set different permissions for different
> disks/folders - there are
> different password/authentification options but,
> whichever you choose
> applies to any and all TC internal & connected drives

That's correct. Keep
> your backup strategy simple, or you will find you won't backup.

The link to
> my tutorial for the dual-band network
> is:
> hope you find it helpful. Post back if you require more help or
> suggestions.


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