>> On 01/08/2012, at 11:27 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Tim,
>>> When you mention "the Download fails"... what happened, did you get a error 
>>> message?
>>> Or has the download just paused / stopped?

Once again, I have got to over 4Gb of download for Mountain Lion and the 
download has failed. I was not at the computer when it failed, so do not know 
what it had got to. The last time I looked it was 4.10Gb. It may have even 
completed the download. This download had taken over 36 hours, with no other 
normal processes breaking it. Sleeping the computer, other internet access, 
regular computer use, all occurred in that 36 hours. Restarting WILL lose the 
download I discovered.

The error messages are at

I have been able to download other .dmg, including updates and new purchases 
from the AppStore plenty of times, just not this big download of Mountain Lion. 

I've searched through Console to see if it will tell me anything useful, but 
I'm not sure what I am looking for. 

Given my other downloads have worked, I'm guessing there is nothing in my modem 
or router firewall type settings that would be a reason for the download to 
stop so close to finishing. 

The Mac Mini's Hard drive has 80Gb free out of 320Gb. 
Each night the permissions are reset by Super Duper before creating a clone.

I'm at a loss at why this is happening. Next step will be to take to an Apple 
Store.  Does anyone know if I need to take the Mini into the store, or whether 
they  will put Mountain Lion on a USB drive for me?


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