Hi Shayne

Thanks for your comments on speed with a Mac with comparable specs.  Problem 
now fixed (??).

I had an odd event yesterday which may have caused the slowdown.  NeoOffice 
advised of a software upgrade (to 3.3 Beta2) which I accepted.  However it did 
not seem to download as I immediately got an error message "neooffice.dmg not 
recognized".  It was not clear if this was an iMac or NeoOffice message in 
Safari.  In Downloads I clicked on the "X" across the greyed-out image.  The 
image disappeared and presumably went into Trash.   I  returned to the website 
a little later to attempt another download.   Got the same error message.  This 
time I perused the N.O. website for help (I had just paid them $10 which went 
through without problems!).   I then noticed the Download folder was displaying 
an activity bar 50% complete.   Yes, despite the "error" message the .dmg file 
was apparently being downloaded anyway.    

NeoOffice 3.3 was eventually installed and it worked.   Did housekeeping and 
the image file sent to Trash.   Later at night I attempted to Empty Trash - but 
got message that "…dmg was in use and could not be deleted".   Closed the App; 
"put back" the file from Trash and then Trashed it again.  Same message.  
Finally did a Restart.  This time the process of trashing the file from the 
download folder and emptying trash worked perfectly.

There is a possibility that the first NeoOffice download I had Trashed was 
still downloading in the background (in Trash?) when I started the second 
download.  I don't know if it was the first or second download that required 
the Restart to free up any handles that may have locked up.  It may have been 
this lock-up that caused the slowdown effect long past the time when NeoOffice 
was installed.

The speed has been good today.  I checked iStat Pro and now have Activity 
Monitor open and they shows no problem with resources.   And again, it seems 
that a good old fashioned Restart cleared away all the cobwebs.


On 03/08/2012, at 7:47 PM, S Beach <sbscr...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Alan

For comparison, I have a late 2009 Macbook Pro with the same Processor as
yours, 8 GB of RAM and a 500GB hard drive with only 47GB free.
I have not seen a noticeable slowdown since installing Mountain Lion.
Generally it seems to be business as usual.
Given my experience I would suspect that your problem may be a software

Hope this helps to give you some comparative info on similar hardware.



On Fri, Aug 3, 2012 at 10:59 AM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hello all
> Getting to grips with the new features of Mountain Lion following my
> upgrade from Snow Leopard.
> I find applications are taking an appreciable time (2 to 3 times longer
> than expected?) to respond.   At this stage I ask WAMUG to monitor their
> experience.  I don't want to spend time trialling possibilities, or doing a
> clean install, just now.  Perhaps a trend of evidence will emerge over
> time.   My iMac is quite workable so it is not urgent to pursue.  The Apple
> Communities forum has some discussion on this topic but no very clear cause
> and direction has emerged.
> The problem may just be the processor.  My iMac is late 2009 with basic
> specs (21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz) but with 12GB of RAM.  500GB hard
> drive has 360GB free.  Previously found these specs were not good enough to
> drive AirParrot mirroring whereas a similar vintage 27" higher-optioned
> iMac had no problems.  (I realise my iMac will not handle AirPlay
> Mirroring, which is a most desirable feature.)
> I think this also demonstrates the advantages of a solid state drive!
> Something to seriously consider for the next new computer - - -.
> (Probably no coincidence that Apple have been marketing SSD computers since
> Lion.)
> Regards,
> Alan
> Alan Smith
>  iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.8
>  iPad2; ATV2
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