Any NeoOffice Calc users within WAMUG?

A long term hassle I have with Neo Office spreadsheets is the great sensitivity 
to scrolling.    I can be working around cell D15 and suddenly cell GG60 is in 
the middle of the screen.   Finger tremor doesn't help of course.

Have other users experienced this problem?  Do you live with it or have you 
fixed it?  Default  scrolling distance is spreadsheet maximum vertically and 
horizontally.   I thought perhaps a special named range or cell markers could 
be set universally (or for each spreadsheet) to create scroll bar limits.

I use a Magic Mouse on an iMac.  Mouse scrolling sensitivity is fine for other 
applications.  I must admit that I don't really like the Magic Mouse: it looks 
beautiful but is not comfortable for my size XL hands.  There is no resting 
position for fingers.

Problem goes back to my first use of NeoOffice about 2 years ago.   Now using 
latest NeoOffice ver 3.3 patch 1. 

Regards, Alan

Alan Smith
  Late 2009 iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.8.2
  iPad2, ATV2

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