Hi Ronni

Wow, that is amazing. I guess that will only be useful if I actually use Cloud 
for much of my other work and storage commitments? I have no plan soon to do 
that and only need excel and word for my documents and data analysis.

I do have MS Office 2011 on this MBPRo which I use every day.

I could probably get away with using the present old version of Excel as it is 
on my older MBPro but will need a new version on the Compaq with XP, as it is 
the only way I can run a required Federal Government database used for 
recording all whale sightings during the surveys, and it is a proverbial pain 
in the.. to use. I will be needing to use the new Execl (.xlsx file format) 
with some other files that I use to access the report out puts from the 
database for analysis.

Thanks very much for your very informative wrap up on this Ronni. 

It all makes sense now: MS are trying to make some serious cash out it!!

Best regards


Christopher L.K. Burton
Western Whale Research
PO Box 1076
Dunsborough WA 6281
Mobile: 0419 199 120
Email: c...@it.net.au 

On 08/02/2013, at 11:04 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Chris,
> There is NO Mac version of Microsoft Office 2013.
> The current version for Mac is "Office for Mac 2011".
> <http://www.microsoft.com/australia/mac/products>
> "Microsoft Office 2013 and Office 365, are the Windows maker's big push to 
> bring its suite of software and services into the cloud with 
> subscription-based pricing.
> While the company continues to offer boxed versions of the Office software, 
> they're clearly hoping you'll ditch this old-school way of buying and plunk 
> down $99.99 per year for an Office 365 Home Premium subscription instead. In 
> doing so, consumers will be able to install the full suite on up to five Macs 
> or PCs at once."
> <http://www.maclife.com/article/news/microsoft_office_2013_now_available_new_mac_version_still_missing_action>
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 07/02/2013, at 10:27 AM, Chris Burton wrote:
>>> Hi Muggers
>>> I recently noted an ad in the paper showing the new MS office 2013 (I think 
>>> it was 365) for quite a low price, but saying it was by subscription for 1 
>>> year!? Does it apply to both PC's and Macs?
>>> Is someone able to explain this, as I see it that you only get to use it 
>>> for a year then have to pay for another, is that correct? This is a 
>>> different approach to just buying it outright or am I missing something?
>>> The reason I ask is I only have Excel:Mac vX (Service release 1) on my 
>>> older MBPro and Excel 2002 on my old Compaq laptop with XP with some of my 
>>> important and newer excel files being .xlsx which is not read by earlier 
>>> versions. 
>>> Is there a work-around for this situation on both machines, or would it be 
>>> best if I just buy the newer version of Excel and Word? I dont need the 
>>> full Office software.
>>> I have finally been successful finding work after 8 months, and these 
>>> computers will be going to work offshore soon and I would like to get them 
>>> running properly before they do.
>>> Many thanks for any of your help I appreciate it greatly.
>>> Chris
>>> Christopher L.K. Burton
>>> Director
>>> Western Whale Research
>>> PO Box 1076
>>> Dunsborough WA 6281
>>> Mobile: 0419 199 120
>>> Email: c...@it.net.au 
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