Well, our Kaiser Baas Network TV tuner (re-badged HDHomeRun) arrived today and 
our Mac Pro is currently recording 4 Digital TV channels simultaneously in 
EyeTV with two channels coming over our ethernet network from the KB device, 
one channel from an Elgato EyeTV Diversity USB stick and one channel from my 
trusty old EyeTV 400 FireWire interface.

While that is happening I am watching one of those live TV channels on my iPad 
using the EyeTV app connected over wifi back to the Mac Pro.

All 4 live TV channels are showing 100% signal strength and 100% signal quality 
something I have been unable to achieve with an old EyeTV Hybrid or an EyeTV 

I've also connected to the KB from a 24" iMac over 5GHz "n" wifi and been able 
to stream two live TV channels to it again with 100% signal quality and 
strength and it hasn't missed a beat (you  can have 2 separate Macs watching 1 
channel each from the KB but if one Mac is watching or recording 2 channels 
from it simultaneously, no other Mac can do so.

I'll give it a few days of experimentation to ensure it continues to perform 
without glitches before rendering my final verdict, but so far I am *very* 
impressed.  Not bad for a little $129 box (if you already own a copy of the 
EyeTV software).


Martin Hill
Mobile: 0401 103 194
Email: marth...@iinet.net.au

On 04/05/2013, at 8:26 AM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

> Hi Mart
> Be interested in your TV tuner experience.  
> I've recently shopped for parts and gadgets at Jaycar since Dick Smith went 
> mainstream.  Found some rebranding between Logitech and Digitech.  Probably a 
> common thing in electronics as house brands have to be made by someone!
> Cheers
> Alan
> Sent from my iPad
> On 03/05/2013, at 11:43 PM, Martin Hill <marth...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> Thanks for the feedback Alan.  
>> I wonder if in this case as the HDHomeRun was actually sold by Elgato 
>> themselves as an EyeTV unit for quite a while and is just re-badged as a 
>> Kaiser Bass unit, that it might be a bit better than your KB digital radio 
>> stick.
>> I've decided to take the risk and order one so I'll report back on my 
>> experiences in case anyone else is interested.
>> -Mart
>> On 03/05/2013, at 8:06 PM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>> hi Martin
>>> No personal experience with Kaiser Baas TV tuners, but found the KB digital 
>>> radio USB stick a waste of time and money.  I would look very carefully at 
>>> the quality of the KB network device.
>>> Alan
>>> Sent from my iPad
>>> On 03/05/2013, at 3:36 PM, Martin Hill <marth...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>> This looks like a good option for those of us wanting a dual-tuner HD 
>>>> digital TV network device similar to the EyeTV Netstream but for less than 
>>>> half the price. 
>>>> It is the Kaiser Bass Network TV Tuner (re-branded HD-HomeRun) and is 
>>>> compatible with the EyeTV software on the Mac and is available online here 
>>>> in Australia for $129.99 with free shipping.  It's a little box with an 
>>>> antennae plug and an ethernet network connection that any Mac or PC  can 
>>>> connect to over the home network to view live TV or record TV shows. iPads 
>>>> and iPhones can watch live or recorded shows (via the Mac) from the device 
>>>> using the EyeTV app.
>>>> http://www.kaiserbaas.com/tv-radio-category/network-tv-tuner
>>>> At least one user on whirlpool.net.au reports using two HDHomeRuns and a 
>>>> USB EyeTV DTT device successfully on a Mac Mini - that would give you 5 TV 
>>>> channels that you could theoretically simultaneously record and/or view. 
>>>> In contrast, there are reports that you can only connect to one EyeTV 
>>>> NetStream device at a time.  Elgato Netstream product page: 
>>>> http://www.elgato.com/en/eyetv/eyetv-netstream-dtt
>>>> I have had problems using more than 1 extra USB EyeTV tuner with my 
>>>> Firewire 400 EyeTV tuner including the EyeTV Diversity, Hybrid, 250+ so am 
>>>> hopeful this might do the job.  (Not that we watch much TV, but it is 
>>>> amazing and frustrating how often you get clashes of shows that you would 
>>>> like to record - particularly when for example the regularly scheduled 
>>>> news broadcast or a repeat of the Big Bang Theory takes precedence over a 
>>>> movie you would really have liked to capture)
>>>> Anyone on the WAMUG list tried out the HDHomeRun (or this re-branded 
>>>> Kaiser Bass version) or the Elgato Netstream?
>>>> -Mart
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