AAarrrghh!  I just went back to the two browsers and started comparing the 
comments on them: they are completely different! Two distinct populations. This 
makes me wonder if it is an ABC tactic to divided responses by browser, but I 
can't see the point in that.

I will go soak my head for a while.

On 01/10/2013, at 11:03 AM, Pat <> wrote:

> On and off, there have been mutterings that Safari browser isn't quite up to 
> scratch. I had hoped this was all in the past, but now I encounter a glaring 
> example.
> I discovered long ago that the ABC website doesn't handle Safari well at all; 
> I was not able to post a comment using Safari. I could post using Firefox. I 
> wrote several letters to the ABC, suggesting that they bring their site up to 
> scratch. Eventually they did something, and now the problem is worse. I used 
> to be able to see and respond to their polls with Safari; now I can't.
> But it gets worse. Last night, there was an opinion article that I wanted to 
> comment on, so I got out Firefox and did so. This morning, using Safari as 
> usual, I looked at the article and the comments: my comment was not there, 
> and the total of comments was 25.
> So, fire up Firefox again, look at the site again. Firefox sees 54 comments, 
> mine among them.
> I go back to Safari, refresh the page, and look again: still 25 comments.
> What is going on? Is this purely a Safari problem? An ABC site problem? Or 
> some weird combination of both?
> I suppose the simple answer is just to use Firefox, but I don't like its 
> interface and it is rather stupid in other ways. It would be nice to be able 
> to trust what Safari shows me, but it seems to be unreliable.
> I don't really expect a solution from WAMUG, mainly just felt like venting - 
> sorry about that.
> Thanks,
> Pat

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