I have a few complaints about the Mavericks OS, but they are probably of 
interest only to those who use 2 or more monitors.

I am using 2 monitors and am building a website, by hand, using BBEdit as the 
editing software. The left monitor is the larger one, and I put most of my 
documents there while I work on the code.. The right monitor is where I preview 
the results. I want the Dock to be at the bottom of the right monitor. However, 
it keeps hopping over to the left. 

This brings up an associated difficulty: where the focus on the Menu bar at the 
top goes. I am constantly switching between  BBEdit, and Safari. Half the time, 
the ‘non focus’ menu bar is dimmed to the point of illegibility.

Three questions:
1. Is there any way to pin the Dock down so that it won’t flip around?

2. Is it possible to cause the Menu bars on both monitors to be highlighted?

3. Is it possible to prevent Safari from opening the Top Sites page every time 
it is opened? It keeps coming back and cluttering up the view.

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