I have a problem with email.  The main one is blank messages. I click on the 
incoming mail.  The message opens up to show sender but nothing else.

The only way I can read the message is to click on either Reply or Forward ( it 
doesn’t matter which)  - the text shows.  I then delete the reply or fwd and 
return to the incoming message that WAS blank and now I can read it.

However, I have a daily task where I get an incoming message (from the same 
source) and a login to go to a website.  In this case, I cannot perform the log 
in - the cursor remains as the black arrow and does not change to the “hand”.

I can live with the blanks, but not the log in failure.  

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I have re-built all mailboxes several times.
I have deleted all “Rules” and re-built them.
I am doing Disk Repair daily.

This has started since I installed Yosemite (now 10.10.1).  I have 10GB RAM and 
do not leave running any software not needed.

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