Hi Blitto

On 30/04/2015, at 9:41 AM, rb...@iinet.net.au wrote:

> Dear WAMUGers
> I have a friend who has bought a villa on an island just off Bali.
> It is rented out to holiday makers.
> It has a website/hosting/domain and email.
> He needs help shifting all this to him.
> Changing the email contact details
> And probably shifting the hosting.
> Please do any of you do this kind of thing?

We do it - it keeps us occupied during our retirement. As long as the current 
owners are cooperative the domain is reasonably easy. Once that is done the 
email address should be straightforward. There may be lots of options with the 
web site depending on what is used to build it and where it is or will be 

Kaye and Geoff

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