Hello Jennifer

On 12/07/2015, at 6:29 PM, Jennifer Lefroy wrote:

> I should add that I have sent successfully  a message to our first address 
> and it appears in that mailbox, but there is no way of knowing this 
> otherwise. 

You can check that the email account is set up correctly by your ISP (and that 
you have the correct password) by using webmail to access the account. I 
presume that your ISP provides webmail - I do not know of any who do not.

First send a test message to your new email address and then use webmail to see 
if it has been received. Your ISP's web site should have instructions for using 
webmail if you have not used it before - it is similar to Gmail so you should 
be able to work it out.

If you can get in to the account and the message is there, then the problem is 
in the settings in your mail program on your computer. Follow Tim's suggestions 
to get it working.


Kaye and Geoff

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