Hi Alan,

Without viewing the complete EtreCheck report or the Logs you mention its 
difficult to comment.
You mentioned you “Tried Firefox”… was this happening in Firefox as well as 
Safari? Your subject only mentions Safari.
I still feel you possibly have some 3rd party add-on or plugin installed on 
your iMac that is causing issues.
You don’t have Java activated do you?

Anyway - Try this first:

1. Quit Safari
2. Go to Folder : copy & paste this:   
3. Then delete   Cache.db
4. Empty the Trash
5. Open Safari and test


> On 2 Dec 2015, at 10:20 AM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> Hi Ronni
> Problem evident again this morning.  Ran EtreCheck during the Safari “hang” 
> period, and again after I cancelled the Apple loading.  No problems indicated 
> at all in the EtreCheck reports (and no change from the “base” EntreCheck 
> reports I had ran earlier).
> Analysis of system log messages may point to the problem area, but as that 
> well known Mac advisor Will Shakespeare said, “that way madness lies”.  There 
> are a lot of log entries (all generated by the iMac) between OK at 10:00 pm 
> Tuesday and NOK at 6:30 am Wednesday!
> Cheers
> Alan
>> On 30 Nov 2015, at 5:06 PM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au 
>> <mailto:sma...@iinet.net.au>> wrote:
>> Hi Ronni
>> Thanks for the link.  Nothing seriously untoward revealed by EtreCheck just 
>> now.  I will run it again next time Safari hangs (probably tomorrow!).
>> Cheers
>> Alan
>>> On 30 Nov 2015, at 3:17 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>> Hi Alan,
>>> You probably have 3rd party software installed that is causing the problem.
>>> Run EtreCheck 
>>> http://www.etresoft.com/etrecheck <http://www.etresoft.com/etrecheck>
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
>>> 1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
>>> 8GB 1600MHz LPDDR3 SDRAM
>>> 512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage
>>> OS X El Capitan 10.11.1
>>>> On 30 Nov 2015, at 12:22 PM, Alan Smith <sma...@iinet.net.au 
>>>> <mailto:sma...@iinet.net.au>> wrote:
>>>> Looking for help, possibly with exploring the exotic depths of OS X.  I’m 
>>>> floundering.
>>>> From time to time I cannot load any of the apple.com <http://apple.com/> 
>>>> family of websites from one iMac.  Problem started 5 weeks ago when I 
>>>> upgraded to OS X El Capitan.  A Restart (or Shut Down) will clear the 
>>>> problem for a time - just for a day or so.  I have a second iMac (with OS 
>>>> X Mavericks) that has no problems with web access.  
>>>> Safari (9.0.1) is my default browser.  Tried Firefox and then Safari from 
>>>> a new user account. Still no access.  
>>>> As Safari hangs and doesn’t actuall fail, I opened Web Inspector in the 
>>>> Develop menu. This showed one script and one style sheet  with eternal 
>>>> daisy wheel icons:  “ac-globalnav.built.js (and .css) www.apple.com 
>>>> <http://www.apple.com/>”.  (May have mistakes in file names as I am 
>>>> transcribing from written notes.)   No text appeared in the Inspector 
>>>> window so I assume these files did not load at all.
>>>> Applied the official Apple Support sequence "unable to access particular 
>>>> websites”, with extra suggestions from Linc Davis and Carolyn Samit.  Then 
>>>> tried various other suggestions from lesser lights.  Access to the Apple 
>>>> sites was restored after each test - not always because of an iMac Restart 
>>>> which usually followed each change.
>>>> Various other things tried, not listed in order.  I reinstalled El Capitan 
>>>> from Recovery mode.  Reset iMac SMC.  Reset complete home network devices 
>>>> (modem, time capsule router and iMac).  The network devices reset sequence 
>>>> actually cleared a few other (unrelated?) peculiarities.  Changed DNS 
>>>> server from “auto detect” (from modem settings) to an actual iiNet server 
>>>> (then restored to auto).  Disabled Safari extensions “1 Password” and 
>>>> “Click to Flash” (then restored). 
>>>> I did NOT delete the Safari DNS caches which was suggested as a remedy, as 
>>>> the forum writer was unknown to me and the action required Terminal 
>>>> commands.
>>>> Any suggestions to help me move forward?
>>>> Regards, 
>>>> Alan
>>>> Alan Smith
>>>>  Late 2012 iMac 27" Intel Quad Core i5  Fusion 3.2GHz 8G RAM - OSX 10.11.1 
>>>> El Capitan
>>>>  Late 2009 iMac 21.5" Intel Core 2 Duo 3.06GHz 12G RAM - OSX 10.9.6 
>>>> Mavericks
>>>>  iPhone5;  iPad2;  ATV2

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