Hi Marcus,

Mail, Preferences, Accounts, Mailbox Behaviors. 
Deselect 'Store junk messages on server' in Junk and Trash. 
Also select 'Delete junk messages' and 'Erase deleted messages' when quitting 


> On 27 Jan 2016, at 11:43 AM, Marcus F Harris <cryptodo...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a vast number of emails which are well and truly redundant.
> I have tried to delete them, but they don’t appear to become fully eliminated.
> Can someone point me to a solution please.
> Marcus
> Marcus
> Marcus F Harris
> cryptodo...@me.com <mailto:cryptodo...@me.com>
> Marcus F Harris
> cryptodo...@me.com
> iMac 27D Late 2009
> OS10.9.5
> 3 GHz Intel Duo Core
> 8Gb Ram
> and
> iPad Air 32 Gb 9.2

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