Hi Tim, That was just a ‘straight through’ ethernet connection to your Cable.

Disconnect from that and - Keep the Mac mini on your Airport Wireless 5GHz, 
40MHz band 
To see all details of which Network & band you are connected to and Channel, 
RSSI, Noise, Tx Rate, PHY Mode etc :
Option Click the Airport Wi-Fi symbol  in the top right Menu Bar (Finder 


> On 20 Mar 2016, at 4:40 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au> wrote:
> Hmmm, interesting. 
> Followed instructions and restarted Gateway and Mac Mini.
> This is interesting on two parts. 
> First is that I found one app in iTunes that needed updating and it did so 
> without faulting. Yay. 
> Second is ‘how does this work’?
> I thought you had to have a device that distributed IP addresses when you 
> have a network - which in this case is the Airport Extreme. And I thought you 
> couldn’t get a connection by plugging an ethernet cable into the router that 
> is set to bridge mode. 
> However I am realising that the Gateway itself has an IP address that is used 
> to connect to the internet and as long as there is only one device connected 
> to the Gateway, and as there is no need for any IP addresses to be 
> distributed, so this sneaky option functions. 
> The downside is that the Dell printer 3110CN is not seen by the Mac Mini 
> anymore because they are not on the same network. 
> But at least it does go some way towards pointing to a problem with the 
> network that you alluded to early on as being the problem. This exercise has 
> found an apparent workaround, but I’m not sure what the lasting solution is. 
> I will try to run the Mac Mini via the Airport Extreme wifi and leave the 
> ethernet cable disconnected and see if that makes a difference. Early results 
> are pleasing with Speedtest.net <http://speedtest.net/> showing a jump from 
> 64Mbps on Ethernet, to 114Mbps on wifi, both via the Airport Extreme. Direct 
> connect to the modem via ethernet cable and it drops back to a pedestrian 
> 64Mbps again. 
> Cheers
> Tim
>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 1:48 PM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>> Hi again Tim,
>> I won't add to Neil's reply.
>> I've been meaning to suggest Mac mini direct Ethernet connection to the 
>> Gateway not to AirPort Extreme LAN port in each of my replies to you and 
>> notice I haven't :(
>> You mentioned that you have the Airport Wi-Fi signal turned OFF on Mac mini 
>> so try:
>> 1. Connect Mac mini directly via Ethernet cable directly to a LAN port 
>> (Yellow) on the Gateway modem (not a LAN on AirPort Extreme)
>> 2. Reboot the Gateway and your Mac mini
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 10:02 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>> I agree Ronni, it’s not the most highly regarded. The modem was a free 
>>> ‘upgrade’ when Telstra uprated the Cable network/capacity/something and my 
>>> reliable Motorola Surfboard modem wouldn’t work on the network anymore - 
>>> and it was speed limited. 
>>> I get the logic of the process you describe, but if the modem is the 
>>> problem I would have thought that like you said, it would lose connection 
>>> and reset. Or the Airport would sense a lost signal and show the orange 
>>> light for no service. Neither of these things occur
>>> I guess it’s feasible iTunes might be more sensitive to micro dropouts that 
>>> don’t seem to impact on other downloads. The modem also has a thing called 
>>> QOS - that is supposed to assist with gaming and downloads. It seems it is 
>>> built in and cannot be turned off for problem solving - at least not in 
>>> Bridge mode anyway. And I need to have it set to Bridge mode so I can get 
>>> my Dell 3110CN laser printer to work on the network via the Airport 
>>> Extreme. 
>>> It’d be nice if there was another cable modem option available, but it 
>>> seems not. Sigh. 
>>> Thanks again
>>> Tim
>>>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 8:48 AM, Ronda Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>> Oh YES! That Telstra Cable rebranded modem is well known for Dropouts!!
>>>> A Google search will show thousands of customers experiencing connection 
>>>> dropouts!
>>>> And having it locked down so you are unable to change settings - bad!
>>>> The iTunes Store gives the unavailable message because you lost the 
>>>> connection to it therefore 'it is no longer available'?
>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad4
>>>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 8:26 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Ronni,
>>>>> Yes you are correct, it is a Netgear Telstra Gateway Max C6300BD-1TLAUS
>>>>> I will check the modem lights, but the modem log says System Up Time 6 
>>>>> days 15h:22m:55s
>>>>> My problems occurred most recently less than 3 days ago. 
>>>>> Generally when the modem restarts it takes quite a few minutes to reboot, 
>>>>> then the Airport takes a while to reconnect, the kids complain - ie it’s 
>>>>> a significant life event and very noticeable - and I have not noticed the 
>>>>> modem rebooting when the iTunes store stops updating apps. 
>>>>> There are no firewall settings available on the modem user interface. 
>>>>> This modem is criticised on Whirlpool for it’s cut down settings, 
>>>>> problems with connecting a printer amongst other things.
>>>>> Yes, the OSX is protected by the System Firewall being on, and the 
>>>>> Airport is WPS2 protected. 
>>>>> I’ll wait a few weeks until I have a few apps I need to update and take 
>>>>> more notes on any messages in Console and the network
>>>>> Thanks for your ideas so far
>>>>> Tim
>>>>>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 7:46 AM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>> I’m fairly sure The Gateway Max cable Modem is a re-brand Netgear Modem.
>>>>>> Have you noticed the lights on the Modem when the dropout happens?
>>>>>> I would suspect the cable modem drops out / looses internet connection 
>>>>>> and forces the modem to restart.
>>>>>> Log in to the Modem and check for a DoS (Denial of Service) setting in 
>>>>>> firewall settings. 
>>>>>> Disable this setting - save settings - and Reboot the Modem.
>>>>>> Test to see if the modem then holds a solid connection for 24 hours or 
>>>>>> so.
>>>>>> If it makes no difference at all, you can turn it on again. 
>>>>>> Your Mac is protected by the OS X  System Firewall ON and your Airport 
>>>>>> wireless network WPA2 protected.
>>>>>> If you are dropping the connection on the wireless network, have you 
>>>>>> tried changing channels on 5GHz & 2.5GHz bands?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>> On 19 Mar 2016, at 5:58 PM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>>>>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Thanks Ronni,
>>>>>>> It is more B than A
>>>>>>> Keychain First Aid was removed in the previous version of OSX.
>>>>>>>> B) Does it start to download updates but then times out after awhile & 
>>>>>>>> you receive the message?
>>>>>>> As an example, I hadn’t updated the apps via iTunes for a couple of 
>>>>>>> weeks, so there were probably 20 to download. I click on Download all 
>>>>>>> Updates and click the small circle at the top right of the screen that 
>>>>>>> shows me what is downloading.  I’m on a fairly fast connection so they 
>>>>>>> download with reasonable speed and I have selected Multiple Downloads. 
>>>>>>> Then after a period - not a consistent period - perhaps 30 seconds to a 
>>>>>>> minute - the download will stop and the error message shows up. 
>>>>>>> I cannot see anything useful in Console, but aren’t sure what to look 
>>>>>>> for. To help me view the most current, I have cleared the screen of old 
>>>>>>> logs. Nothing new is showing up. (The downloads are now completed so 
>>>>>>> I’ll have to wait for another time to recheck Console for any error 
>>>>>>> logs)
>>>>>>> After I count to ten, I attempt to recommence the download and 
>>>>>>> sometimes it starts and runs for a few seconds before the error shows 
>>>>>>> again, and sometimes it seems to fault straight away. Sometimes it will 
>>>>>>> keep downloading and rip through the remaining apps without problem.
>>>>>>> I have tried turning off ‘simultaneous downloads’ but the problem still 
>>>>>>> reoccurs. May a little less, but it still reoccurs. 
>>>>>>> If it is a network issue, I’m not sure where to look past:
>>>>>>> - TELSTRA GATEWAY MAX  Cable modem is set to Bridge Mode
>>>>>>> - Airport Extreme is set to DHCP and NAT
>>>>>>> - Mac Mini is connected via Ethernet cable to the Airport Extreme - 
>>>>>>> Wireless is turned off. Cables are firm
>>>>>>> - Speedtest.net <http://speedtest.net/> results show ping at 29ms and 
>>>>>>> an even download speed of 68.5Mbps
>>>>>>> - No other sites or downloads are having a problem
>>>>>>> - I’m not using a VPN or proxy connection.
>>>>>>> I will take note of the time of day and if the mysterious creatures 
>>>>>>> that inhabit the bedrooms in the house are in or out of the house, or 
>>>>>>> if they squawk if I unplug their network cables, and see if that makes 
>>>>>>> a difference to the iTunes download - thinking connection capacity 
>>>>>>> here. 
>>>>>>> Hints are welcome. I can live with this problem - it’s just something 
>>>>>>> that doesn’t seem right and hasn’t always been like this. I can’t 
>>>>>>> recall making any changes that may have contributed to this problem, 
>>>>>>> which has been going on for a few months now. 
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> Tim
>>>>>>>> On 19 Mar 2016, at 2:04 PM, Ronni Brown <ro...@mac.com 
>>>>>>>> <mailto:ro...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Tim,
>>>>>>>> You can access secure websites in Safari ok.
>>>>>>>> You are ‘signed In’ to the iTunes Store with your Apple ID on Mac mini.
>>>>>>>> In iTunes:
>>>>>>>> A) When you select Apps - Updates and select “Update All Apps”, you 
>>>>>>>> receive the message “The iTunes Store is temporary unavailable. Please 
>>>>>>>> try again later”?
>>>>>>>> Or B) Does it start to download updates but then times out after 
>>>>>>>> awhile & you receive the message?
>>>>>>>> If A) It could be a Keychain issue
>>>>>>>> Open Keychain Access.app (in Utilities)
>>>>>>>> Under Keychain Access (in Menu bar)
>>>>>>>> Select Keychain First Aid
>>>>>>>> Select ‘Repair’
>>>>>>>> If B) I would suspect a problem with your Network.
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> Ronni
>>>>>>>>> On 18 Mar 2016, at 7:51 AM, Tim Law <t...@peoplehelp.com.au 
>>>>>>>>> <mailto:t...@peoplehelp.com.au>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Good morning,
>>>>>>>>> Running 10.11.3 on a Mac Mini Late 2009
>>>>>>>>> Connected to the internet via Telstra cable modem with IP addresses 
>>>>>>>>> distributed by an Apple airport extreme. 
>>>>>>>>> All internet services appear to be working correctly.
>>>>>>>>> When I open iTunes and try to Update all apps, I regularly get  a 
>>>>>>>>> message “The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable. Please try 
>>>>>>>>> again later”
>>>>>>>>> I can browse around the App Store in iTunes without a hitch. 
>>>>>>>>> I’ve deauthorised then reauthorised my computer, but this hasn’t 
>>>>>>>>> resolved the problem.
>>>>>>>>> If anyone has had a similar problem, can you give me some tips on how 
>>>>>>>>> this was resolved.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>>> Tim

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