Hi Tony,

> On 9 Apr 2016, at 10:49 AM, Anthony (Tony) Francis <antne...@icloud.com> 
> wrote:
> Hi Guy’s
> Enjoyed my first meeting last Tuesday night, lovely to meet some of you guy’s 
> and to be able to put faces to names.
> Now, I have downloaded Affinity, after watching Peter’s demo at the meeting 
> on Tuesday night and trying Affinity out, I decided that I would change from 
> Now, all going well from memory (cough cough), until I open Affinity on the 
> desktop at the Welcome page, there are several demonstration Videos that can 
> be downloaded to watch or save,I wanted to show Lynette what I had been shown 
> by Peter, when I click on any of the videos to download I get an X to 
> basically tell me that I can’t download the video’s.

 When you click the Cloud icon and the small red cross appears it means the 
download has started. 
Check the white outline around the image to follow the download progress. 
The files would be large so it may take time to complete the process - 
depending on your download speed.

You can download video tutorials from the website

Affinity Photo - For Beginners from MacAffinity on Vimeo

Affinity - Quick Reference
<http://www.miguelboto.com/affinity/ <http://www.miguelboto.com/affinity/>>

> I have tried the trouble shooting pages for Affinity to no avail, please 
> Peter what am I missing or failing to do???
> Thanking you
> Tony


13-inch MacBook Air (April 2014)
1.7GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost to 3.3GHz
512GB PCIe-based Flash Storage

El Capitan OS X 10.11.4

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