G’day all WAMUGERS

Well it’s getting ever closer to that special day that comes around this time 
of year. Yes, that’s right, WAMUG’s November monthly meeting is on this Tuesday 
the 1st of November 2016.

Ohh, and isn’t there a horse race or something on that day too?

You might be especially interested in this meeting if you’ve got a lot of old 
files tucked away on your computer or on drives gathering dust because you can 
no longer read them. We’ll be looking at an open source office suite called 
Libre Office. It can open and read some old, old files and then you can save 
them again into a modern format.

So grab your Macs, iPhones and iPads and head on over to Willeton. It’s not 
that far off the freeway you know.

Coffee, tea and biscuits supplied.

(Details are subject to change without notice)

Location: The Professional Prowest Real Estate building, 175 High Road, 
Time:   7.30pm - 9.30pm
Cost: $5


Gregory’s UBD map ref: 329 E 2 (Nearest cross street is Yampi Way.)
Streetsmart map ref: 433 D 1 (Nearest cross street is Yampi Way.)

See you there.

Pete Smith

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