I moved my entire iTunes library to an external drive, from the ~/Music level. 
It works but - - -.

I want to use finder at the Home/Music folder to examine the content of the 
lower level music folders on the external drive.   I created an alias of Music 
at the top of the external tree and copied it to the original Home folder.  But 
the new alias points to the old internal Music folder!  From ‘Get Info’ of the 
alias I can select a new original and change this to the external drive.

Finder is happy with this and I can access the external files from this level 
downwards.  I now have the original Home/Music folder which I cannot modify, 
similar to other standard Apple folders such and Movies and Pictures.  I assume 
macOS needs this locked reference for its own navigation. But for my direct 
Finder access I need to keep the alias which cannot be named ‘Music’.  Or I 
need to find another way.

What can I do and how would I do it?  Three possibilities come to mind.  1. 
Replace the Music folder in the Home directory with its alias.  2. Hide the 
Home/Music folder and continue using the alias.  3. Use a symbolic link rather 
than an alias.  I have no experience with any of these for implementation or 
impact on normal macOS.  Comments and help please!

Computer is a late 2014 Mac mini with 256GB SSD and os High Sierra.  I usually 
access it using Share Screen from a 27 inch iMac.


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