Hello fellow WAMUGgers,

        This is your President speaking (I have always wanted to say that!).
This information email covers a number of issues that have arisen
since March and will affect you asa WAMUG member.


        Cover -19 and WA’s State of Emergency and Public Health Emergency
meant we were unable to have our annual AGM in April. Now that most
restrictions have been lifted, and to comply with WA’s Associations
and Clubs

        legislation, we will be conducting the 2020 AGM on Tuesday September

        This meeting will take place via Zoom and will comprise the President
and Treasurer’s Reports, as well as the election of committee
members. Generally this does not take long, so the rest of the meeting
will be devoted to the meeting topic of the month. (see below fro
further details)


        The WAMUG Committee is calling for nominations for the following




        Ordinary members.

        Previously, most nominations came from members dwelling in our
state's capital city. This was due to Committee and Member meetings
being held in the evenings and in Perth. However, with the decision to
move our meetings into the virtual realm, those restrictions no longer
exist. So we are asking for some new blood on the committee. You
don’t need to be an expert at all things Apple, I definitely am not.
You will need a reliable internet connection and willingness to
‘lend a hand’ to others and be a financial member. If you are
interested please email me off list.

        Nominations close on Friday 28th August.  


        When:   Tuesday 1st September 

        Commencing:  7:20 for 7:30pm 

        Conclude: 8:30pm

        Where:  Via Zoom video conferencing (voted best video conferencing
software by Choice, July 2020)

        Attendees  Current financial members of WAMUG

        Topics  _AGM_

           _Planning for your Digital Estate - Introduction_.   Digital
Estate planning its how you prepare so others can deal with your
files, photos, online accounts, emails etc when you are no longer able
to personally handle them. It is quite large topic so it will be
broken down into sections and dealt with over a number of meetings

           _Q & A_


        As you are no doubt aware, the Committee has continued to trial the
use of Zoom for our Member and Committee meetings. Video conferencing
has resulted in more members being able to participate which has been
great to see, as well as putting names to faces and viewing the
variety of virtual backgrounds. At our August Members' meeting we
tried a hybrid format, combining Zoom and in-person attendance. That
didn’t work well. The Zoom attendees found hearing the presenter
difficult and sometimes could not be heard by the in-person
attendees. Our attempts to change this resulted in sound feed back
problems which assaulted of the eardrums of the in-person attendees. 
Consequently, as a result of all this trial and error, the committee
has decided to conduct all our meetings via Zoom.

        Before each meeting, all financial members will be sent a personal
invitation with login details. You can choose whether to attend not,
but we certainly hope you will.

        Thank you to all members who have persevered with us as we have
explored Zoom. We appreciate your efforts.

        Keep an eye out for the next Members' Meeting invitation.

        Kind Regards,

        Maureen Smith 

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