Hello all WAMUGgers,
I hope you have had relaxing long weekend. With my thoughts turning to
the working week, I remembered we have another members meeting
tomorrow evening. 
This month our resident expert, Peter Hinchcliffe, will be continuing
our understanding of that little gem Pages. He will be focussing on
Page Layout. Layout allows users to create documents with a more
custom design, like newsletters, books or posters. A page layout
document is like a canvas that you add text boxes, images and other
objects to, then arrange the objects on the page however you like. 
In February we briefly looked at Pages and Numbers. So, If you have
any questions regarding the use of either piece of software you can
bring them up at the meeting and we will endeavour to answer them.
The second topic will be a continuation of our Digital Legacy series
started in 2020 At this meeting we will be concentrating on your
passwords and social media legacy. V
A link to the Zoom meeting is following this information. If you do
not receive a link but wish to attend please email me off list.

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