Good morning,

Back last century, a younger me was excited about these new Apple Mac computers 
that had a nice ching and a smiley face when starting up. The other offering 
was awful by comparison and remained so for many years. 

My first Apple was a Mac Plus, bought around 1987 and the journey began. 
Frankly it changed my life. I was in the last year of Uni and the ease I could 
edit the disjointed thoughts previously tumbling onto the old typewriter helped 
me put together much better work. Many of you will have had a similar 

All the other devices, the Quadra’s, the monstrous Mac Pro, MacBooks and iMac’s 
of various types have gone away, but the Mac Plus remains up in the cupboard 
covered in a protective plastic bag.  It probably still turns on and has an 
external floppy drive, mouse, keyboard and operating disks. 

That cupboard now needs to be emptied as we move house after 27 years, so the 
question is what to do with the Mac Plus? Keep it wrapped up in a cupboard for 
some unknown reason. Put it on display on top of a 130 year old octagonal table 
for not many visitors to look at?   Or pass it on to someone else who might 
have a grander purpose. 

Tell me WAMUG, what should I do with it?


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