Hello Fellow WAMUGgers,

I hope you have had a relaxing long weekend. Now the WA Day celebrations are 
over it is time to focus on the normalities of the week, among them being our 
monthly Members’ Meeting. 

The topic for this week has a ’holiday’ feel about it. We talking about a 
Safari. Not the African variety more the orchard kind. (Apples specifically.)  
We will be looking at how you can extend your Safari as well as investigating 
Tab Groups, Pin Tabs, and the Translate function.

If you are like me and keep using computer and software tools that you always 
use because you just don’t have the time to explore, this could be a meeting 
for you. 

As usual, it will be via zoom.  There will be opportunities to ask questions 
that may not have been answered on the list, or any others that come to mind, 
at the beginning of the meeting


Topic: Extending your Safari

Date: Tuesday Jun 7, 2022
Time: 7:15 pm for a 7:30 pm start


Meeting ID: 842 5748 8237
Passcode: 449005

We look forward to seeing you.



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