Hi Tim

There’s probably a few ways you could tackle this (And others may have some 
other options),..but the way’s I would think of doing it would be as follows - 
(And this can depend on how many albums and things you have).

1. You could do as you mention, and stop it sharing with iCloud then start it 
again. But sometimes this can look like it’ll take ages to stop and restart it.

2. Duplicate the whole “Photo Library” in your Pictures folder. Once duplicated 
you can rename it to something like “Photo Library Archive”. Then open this new 
one you’ve just made and remove all the current photos you have in your iCloud 
Library (the main one). And delete all the new photos. This will make this one 
your “archived” old photos. So nothing new in this one.
Then open your “main” library and remove all the old photos from this one, just 
keeping the new ones you want.
This would then give you two Libraries. Library A being the “main one synced 
with iCloud” and Library B being the Archived photos. Both would then be 
different sizes.

3. Create a new Library and call it say Photo Library 2022. 
From your main Library create a Smart Album with the criteria of photos from 
01/01/2022 to 31/12/2022. 
Export all these photos out into a folder. Then import them all into the new 
Photo Library 2022. Once all there you can then delete them from the “main 
Repeat this for other years. Eg Photo Library 2021. Another Smart Album with 
date range 01/01/2021 to 31/12/2021. 
And so on for each other year.
Once finished you’ll then have lots of Photo Library <yearname> and your “main” 
Photo Library (Sharing with iCloud). Each would be a smaller library and lots 
of them. And can be opened and saved to external drives.

4. Another option I haven’t thought of yet? The above are the main ones that 
come to mind off the top of my head anyway,….

Of course, with any of this,…make sure you have 2 copies backed up everywhere 
before (and after?) you start as well, so if anything goes wrong you’ve got 
things to go back to.

Hope something there may help?

Kind regards

Daniel Kerr

p : 0414 795 960
e : <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
w : <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Apple**

NOTE: Any information provided in this email may be my personal opinion and as 
such should be taken accordingly, and may not be the views of MacWizardry. Any 
information provided does not offer or warrant any form of warranty or accept 
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> On 24 Jan 2023, at 2:38 pm, Tim Law via WAMUG <wa...@lists.wamug.org.au> 
> wrote:
> Good afternoon. 
> I’m using Ventura 13.2, the latest software on a 2017 iMac. I have a 180Gb 
> iPhoto library connected to iCloud and am reaching the 200Gb limit. I don’t 
> want to purchase more data from iCloud and want to split off library into 
> separate libraries.  All photos are also stored on my computer, then backed 
> up with Time Machine and also onto two separate disks using Carbon Copy 
> Cloner. 
> I have found the way to create a new library, but when I try to import photos 
> from the large library, I am blocked access as it is being shared with 
> iCloud. 
> My thought is that I stop the sharing with iCloud, then import the photos. 
> Reconnect the original library to iCloud and delete them. 
> Any tips or links to useful tutorials that are written to be relevent to 
> things such as Shared Libraries available since Ventura would be appreciated. 
> Thanks
> Tim
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