Ndoro Tuan,
  Saya membaca bukunya Karen Armstrong kira-kira tahun 1990, saat itu mantan 
girl friend saya yang dari Amerika yang mengenalkan pemikiran - pemikiran Karen 
kepada saya. Saat itu saya baca bukunya Karen,  faham agama Hindu masih 
mendominasi pemikiran-pemikirannya, mungkin dia barusan selesai kursus yoga di 
India  : ).
  Sekarang pemikirannya sudah universal, bagus sekali, and respect sekali 
kepada Islam,  mungkin Ndoro Tuan perlu menjelaskan kepada Karen kalau yang 
namanya Rumi itu adalah salah satu dari sekian banyak Master Tasawuf-nya Islam 
(sebagian besar orang Amerika memandang Tasawuf-nya Rumi bukan merupakan bagian 
dari Islam)  
  Inilah yang terjadi di dunia dimana kita berada sekarang, orang Barat yang 
cerdas itu pada menghormati Islam tapi orang-orang Indonesia yang memble pada 
"melecehkan" Islam, mungkin orang-orang Indonesia evolusi akalnya kalah cepat 
dengan orang-orang Barat sehingga akalnya sulit banget menggapai keindahan 
Islam, engga semua orang Islam sich, hanya beberapa oknum saja.
  Sedikit saran untuk karen, metode meditasi Yoga sangat lain sekali dengan 
metode meditasi yang ada pada Islam. Seorang Yogi  (pelaku yoga) meditasi 
dengan cara mengosongkan pikiran, sedangkan meditasi Islam justru menyibukkan 
pikiran dengan dzikir. Efek yang akan didapat akan sangat berbeda sekali. 
  Efek jangka panjang daripada meditasi yang mengosongkan pikiran adalah 
"halusinasi" sedangkan efek meditasi dalam Islam ( tentunya juga dilandasi 
ibadah-ibadah yang wajib ) adalah "cahaya", bisa berujud hidayah, karunia etc 
sesuai dengan kehendak Allah.
  Sekali lagi faham pemikiran altruisme mendominasi jiwa Karen, saya kira Karen 
telah mendapatkan pencerahan atau hidayah, karena dia telah bersatu dengan 
kebenaran yang mutlak, yaitu hilangnya rasa ego diri ( sebenarnya yang tepat 
adalah terkontrolnya rasa "id" diri ), dalam bahasa psikoanalisanya Sigmund 
Freud adalah ectazy atau dalam bahasa sufinya adalah fana.
  Sedikit kritikan untuk Karen, didunia dimana kita hidup ini tidak semua orang 
baik, ada orang-orang yang percaya "serigala yang kuat makan yang lemah", jadi 
harus ada ilmu yang harus dipelajari untuk menghadapi serigala-serigala buas 
ini, kita mungkin bisa altruisme karena kita telah fana atau ectazy, tapi 
bagaimana dengan anak-anak kita yang masih kecil yang masih lemah yang masih 
membutuhkan perlindungan dari kita?
  Serigala buas itu tidak hanya berujud senjata nuklir, bom atom, senjata 
biologi tapi juga pemikiran-pemikiran yang menyesatkan.
Demikian ndoro tuan .
radityo djadjoeri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Lecture Karen Armstrong - 7 December 2005 - Amsterdam 

We're seeing a lot of bad religion at the moment, not only violent but also 
lazy religion. Religion cannot stand still. It has to develop, keep reinventing 
itself according to circumstances it 

We learn about God at an age around which we also learn about Santa 
Claus. In the course of the years our knowledge about Santa 
develops, evolves itself, but somehow our knowledge about God 
remains at the same level. Very often we tend to think of God as a 
personality, someone much like our selves. It is all too easy to 
make this God justify our beliefs, the things we stand for. The 
crusaders were projecting on their imaginary God all their loathing 
and hatred for other people, being convinced their actions were 
according to the will of God. "God wills it!" 

God transcends personality as He transcends any other human quality. 
Rabbis of the Jews and the Talmud said that each of the Prophets of 
Israel experienced God in a different way therefore none of them 
could have encompassed God entirely.  

You don't have to be a terrorist to put God on your side. How often 
do we hear a preacher tell what God wills us to do and most of the 
times "God's will" is not too far from the personal beliefs of the 
person speaking. We use God to support our own personality, to 
support our ego, the very thing we are supposed to get rid off.  
When I was little I very much enjoyed children's songs but in the 
course of the years I have educated my ears to enjoy classical music 
and other master pieces. However with our concept of God we somehow 
fail to develop ourselves and transcend our initial beliefs. This is 
very important since otherwise we risk the chance of creating 
idolatry images of God in our minds.  

The Koran is extremely skeptical about theology, claiming that 
theorizing God makes people quarrelsome. People will always disagree 
on their concept of God which will eventually lead to separation and 
arguments. While the purpose of religion is to unite people, 
theology creates wars between groups. 

So many theologians said "God does not exist" because our notion of 
existence is so limited that it cannot be applied to God. To say to 
yourself "God exists" and let it resonate within yourself makes you 
understand the narrowness of the statement (will He cease to exist? 
When did He begin to exist? Where does He exist?). To say "God does 
not exist" is clearly not right neither, since His existence is your 
belief. So one can say "God does not not exist." The difficulty of 
discussing the Devine is evidentÂ… 

Greek theologians said any comment about God should be paradoxical 
(like the concept of Trinity: God is three and He is one at the same 
time) and it should be apathetical (it should lead you to a state of 
deep silence, like just after a beautiful concert). Theology should 
not be an orthodox chanting of definitions, it should be like 
poetry, like great art, it should lead us to a state of wonder, to a 
state of epiphany. 

Silence is the key. We are not very good at silence, with our mobile 
phones, music, internet etc. But we need it to remind ourselves 
about our own limitations. As we think how we can approach the idea 
of God in our violent times we will have a look at the Axial Age 
when all major religions flourished. We have never gone beyond the 
insights developed during this period. It is called the Axial Age 
because it is the axe/spirit around which all the religions turn, up 
until today.  

We now live in a pluralistic world. We have discovered the unanimity 
of all the religions and this is impacting our view of religion in 
general. People more easily reach to other religions for spiritual 
nourishment. No one is abandoning their own religion but people are 
acknowledging the wisdoms to be found elsewhere. So many Christians 
reach to Buddhism, Rumi or other sources for spiritual insights. 

In the Axial Age there was, as there is today, a lot of violence. 
The religious change came when people turned their backs on 
violence. They were beginning to discover the reasons for this 
violence, being egotism, greed etc. and realizing the importance of 
retrospect. In India non-violence became so essential that even 
killing an ant or speaking of violence was unacceptable. Originally 
man was designed to dismantle his ego. In the pre-axial period the 
term yoga means binding (binding horses). Men of yoga were warriors, 
conquerors. But in the axial period a man of yoga became one who 
would stand still in a position for days in order to root out his 
ego. Before one was allowed to do even the simplest yoga exercise 
one needed to master certain rules of conduct. For example one was 
to speak the truth at all times, refrain from intoxicants or sex, 
and above all refrain from any acts of violence. To master this 
fully meant becoming a truly serene, patient and friendly person. 
Until your guru was satisfied that you had mastered these characteristics 
you could not do even one yoga exercise. 

None of these people were theologians 

You don't hear the prophets of Israel philosophy on God. They were 
commenting current affairs, trying to guide people in their day to 
day lives. One man once asked Buddha about the creator of the 
universe. Buddha replied that his question was like that of a man 
shot with an arrow who would not accept treatment before knowing who 
the man was that shot him and in which village he was born. It was 
an irrelevant matter. Chinese thinkers also said that when 
discoursing about such absolute matters like God one is always 
putting too much of his own ego into his belief, identifying oneself 
with what one preaches. People look too much for certainty in 
religion, when they should really seek to submit. 

When in the Axial Age people start defining God they start departing 
from that spiritual way. When people start concentrating on what 
they transcend to, they depart and lose their way. But if we focus 
on what we are departing from, our selfishness greed ego etc, we are 

The first person to make absolutely clear that religion was absolute 
altruism was, according to me, Confuscius. He said: "Do not do to 
others what you won't have others do to you." The way of 
experiencing the Devine was a continual practice of this golden 
rule. The golden rule required you to look into your own heart, 
discover that which hurts you, and refrain from causing this pain to 
others. Practicing this rule we start making others important 
instead of only focusing on our needs and in this way we are slowly 
dismantling our ego. So one has to start with practical compassion 
for the ones around you. 

As human beings we seek ecstasy.  Ecstasy comes from the Greek word 
Extasis meaning "stepping outside". We yearn to step outside our 
dreary ego's and liberate ourselves. By constantly practicing the 
golden rule you go beyond yourself, expanding your heart towards 
others and reaching the whole world. 

Jesus also preached this golden rule even though he gave a somewhat 
more positive version of it. He said: "Do to others as you would 
like others to do to you." If one reads in the Bible about the 
discourses Jesus had, one sees that he spent very little time 
discussing the paradox of Trinity, the Genesis, the Virgin Mary etc. 
Instead he went out and discoursed with people who had strayed from 
observing the Law of Moses and talking with disbelievers. His 
doctrines are not just abstract statements, they are programs for 
(practical) behavior. 

Koran has made it clear that God has revealed itself at every corner 
of the earth and that He deliberately created tribes so that we may 
know one another. It does not say anything about oppressing, ruling, 
conquering, or controlling other people. We are supposed to know one 
another. By creating compassion within our own community we can 
approach other communities and offer it to them as well. Ibn Arabi 
said that one should not praise one's own religion just to feel 
better in respect to others – to feel superior. It does not bring 
out the best of you so one should refrain from it. 

"Do not praise your own belief that you see others lower than 
yourself. Because God The Omniscience The Omnipotent cannot be 
described by anyone's words. Each one praising God is in reality 
praising his own creature." 

That is the spirit of Islam. It does not make any distinction 
between all the Prophets.  
Prophet Muhammad is often seen as the prophet with the sword. He 
lived in violent times, in midst of tribal warfare and the moment he 
had to conduct war it was in self defense. Finally he went on Hajj, 
into enemy territory, wearing no arms and dressed in white robes, 
Ghandi like, and accepted terms which appalled his followers. And 
two years later he got Mecca without any bloodshed. Once he entered 
Mecca he offered the Quraish to accept Islam and there was no force 
in that, since the Koran says that there is no compulsion in 

This is what we need now. We need compassion. There is no need for 
certainty. We have enough certainty, we need practical, day to day, 
compassion. People often find compassion a vague concept, not 
knowing what is truly meant by it when it is really to feel for 
others, to care and understand their pain. 

Jesus made this clear with the sermon on the Mountain when he said 
that the people to enter the gates of Paradise on the Last Day were 
not simply the ones with the correct belief but those who had fed 
the hungry, given water to the thirsty etc. These are practical 
things (programs for conduct). 

A lot of things in our religion is actually self-assertion. To hold 
on to ourselves by believing we are right, we are better than 
others. People have a natural will to live, to survive, to defend 
themselves, and this is how we practice belief as well. We use it 
for our self preservation. Religion seems to be more about being 
right than about having compassion, when I believe that being 
compassionate lies at the core of any religion.  

In response to questions posed by the audience: 

I enjoy pluralism and what I see in the world, while others are 
struck in fear of differences. Fear is the root of every single one 
fundamentalist group I have studied. They are afraid that the 
society wants to wipe religion out. So displays of arms and power 
will just encourage this feeling, not make it disappear. Compassion 
means to feel with people, to practice the golden rule. If we don't 
like to be bombed let us not bomb others. 

(question about the seeming difference between God in the Old and 
the New testament)

This difference is to be seen in the New Testament as well. The 
Revelations are filled with violence, destruction and terror that 
will befall the people in the last days. What we have in the Bible 
is not a single text but a textbook. Sometimes the people are on the 
right track and than they fall back and deviate again. You see the 
struggle of humanity. There is nothing monolithic about the Bible. 
In one chapter you can have three different traditions often 
contradicting themselves. So you see the compassionate God and the 
God of war and destruction. 

It is absolutely necessary for us to try and practice the golden 
rule and try to dismantle our ego. It is not to say that we will 
reach the level at which we are completely ego-less. Not everyone 
that studies music becomes a great pianist, and not everyone that 
studies art becomes a great painter, but at least we will develop 
some of these characteristics. It is true that nowadays we are 
living in a society that is very ego-oriented. Everything is 
centered around our own needs, rights and wishes but that should not 
stop us from aspiring to become better people. 

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