Wah mas Chodjim, rasa-rasanya kita baru ditekan dan dihisap oleh Amerika 
dalam kasus Exxon-Cepu. Nasibnya negara berkembang, pongahnya negara 
adidaya. Minyaknya dihisap habis dengan harga murah. 8-(


Sent by: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
03/15/2006 12:11 PM
Please respond to


RE: [wanita-muslimah] Babat- Debat Khalifah Islamiyah & SI - What the 
Western Thinkers Said about Islam

Kalau saya membaca postingan Mas Jano Ko di bawah ini, saya cuma komentar: 
Alhamdulillah ada beberapa orang Barat yang tetap setia mengingatkan 
negara dan bangsanya untuk bisa memahami Islam dengan baik!

Tetapi, sebagai orang Islam yang berkebangsaan Indonesia, saya masih 
berdoa: "semoga kebijakan barat semakin manusiawi." Sebab, kami tidak 
membutuhkan puji-pujian, yang kami butuhkan adalah pengakuan yang 
terang-benderang negara-negara Barat terhadap negara-negara berkembang dan 
yang belum maju bahwa hakikatnya semua bangsa itu setara dan harus 
diperlakukan sebagaimana pepatah "duduk sama rendah, berdiri sama tinggi; 
ringan sama dijinjing dan berat sama dipikul". 

Semoga negara-negara maju tidak melakukan terus-menerus "de l'homme par 
l'homme, de nation par nation", penghisapan manusia atas manusia dan 
negara atas negara. Bila ada tulisan asing yang masih salah tulis, saya 
mohon maaf.


-----Original Message-----
From: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of jano ko
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 4:28 PM
To: wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [wanita-muslimah] Babat- Debat Khalifah Islamiyah & SI -
What the Western Thinkers Said about Islam

  What the Western Thinkers Said about Islam
  Islam came like a flood of light – it illumined the entire environment. 
Its charm so captivated many that they moved into its fold – but those 
who, for a variety of reasons, did not enter its fold, were also 
spell-bound. They could not help admiring its beauty, splendour and 
grandeur. They confessed its greatness and paid tributes to it. Their 
evidence is important in one respect: it comes from those who are not 
within it, from many who have, on the whole, been rather antagonistic; but 
they too had to admit its unique features, its serenity that casts its 
spell on all and sundry. It is a selection of such evidence that we now 
Islam: A Simple, Humanitarian and Attractive Religion 

      “Islam had the power of peacefully conquering souls by the 
simplicity of its theology, the clearness of its dogma and principles, and 
the definite number of the practices which it demands. In contrast to 
Christianity which has been undergoing continual transformation since its 
origin, Islam has remained identical with itself.” 
                       (Jean L’heureux, Etude sur L’Islamisme P.35) 
      “Two features in the Creed of Islam have always specially attracted 
me. One is the God conception, the other is its unquestionable sincerity – 
a tremendous asset in human affairs, the religious aspect of them 
especially. After all, sincerity is almost divine and like love covers a 
multitude of sins.” 
                  (Major Arthur Glyn Leonard, Islam – Her Moral and 
Spiritual Value, London, 1927) 

      “Sense of justice is one of the most wonderful ideals of Islam, 
because as I read in the Qur’an I find those dynamic principles of life, 
not mystic but practical ethics for the daily conduct of life suited to 
the whole world.” 
                  (Sirojini Naidu, Lecture on “The Ideals of Islam vide 
Speeches and Writings of Sirojini Naidu, Madras, 1918, P 167) 

      “The rise of Islam is perhaps the most amazing event in human 
history. Springing from a land and a people alike previously negligible, 
Islam spread within a century over half the earth, shattering great 
empires, overthrowing long established religions, remoulding the souls of 
races, and building up a whole new world – the world of Islam…For the 
first three centuries of its existence (circ.A.D. 650-1000) the realm of 
Islam was the most civilised and progressive portion of the world. Studded 
with splendid cities, gracious mosques, and quiet universities where the 
wisdom of the ancient world was preserved and appreciated, the Muslim 
world offered a striking contrast to the Christian West, then sunk in the 
night of the Dark Ages.” 
                  (A.M Lothrop Stoddard, Ph.D., The New World of Islam, 
London 1932, pp1-3) 

      “There can be no question but that, with its pure monotheism, and a 
code founded in the main on justice and humanity, Islam succeeds in 
raising to a higher level races sunk in idolatry and fetishism, like those 
of Central Africa, and that in some respects, notably in that of 
temperance, it materially improves the morality of such peoples.” 
(Sir William Muir, Mohamed and Islam, London, 1895 p.246) 

Islamic Brotherhood: All Are Equal 

      “Take away that black man! I can have no discussion with him,” 
exclaimed the Christian Archbishop Cyrus when the Arab conquerors had sent 
a deputation of their ablest men to discuss terms of surrender of the 
capital of Egypt, headed by Negro Ubadah as the ablest of them all.” 

      “To the sacred archbishop’s astonishment, he was told that this man 
was commissioned by General Amr; that the Muslims held Negroes and white 
men in equal respect – judging a man by his character and not by his 

      “Such a spirit of class distinction is certainly the greatest 
hindrance to missionary work in the East, as every impartial observer has 
noted. How, for instance, can any other appeal stand against that of the 
Muslim who, in approaching the pagan, says to him, however obscure or 
degraded he may be, Embrace the faith, and you are at once an equal and a 
brother.’ Islam knows no ‘colour line’.” 
       (S.S Leeder, Veiled Mysteries of Egypt, London, 1912,pp.332 – 335) 

      “The Islamic brotherhood which they proclaimed was a real thing, and 
a new thing among Eastern nations. It is doubtful whether Christian 
Syrians ever felt the same sense of brotherhood with Christian Persians as 
Muslim Syrians did with Muslim Persians.” 
(Lawrence E. Browne, The Prospects of Islam, London, 1944, p.12) 

      “But Islam has yet a further service to render the cause of 
humanity… No other society has such a record of success in uniting in an 
equality of status, of opportunity and of endeavour so many and so various 
races of mankind. The great Muslim communities of Africa, India and 
Indonesia, perhaps also the small Muslim community in Japan, show that 
Islam has still the power to reconcile apparently irreconcilable elements 
of race and tradition. If ever the opposition of the great societies of 
the East and the West is to be replaced by co-operation, the mediation of 
Islam is an indispensable condition.” 
                       (H.A.R. Gibb. Whither Islam, London, 1932 p. 379) 

      “But above all—and herein is its supreme importance in the 
missionary history of Islam—it ordains a yearly gathering of believers, of 
all nations and languages, brought together from all parts of the world, 
to pray in that sacred place towards which their faces are set in every 
hour of private worship in their distant homes. No stretch of religious 
genius could have conceived a better expedient for impressing on the minds 
of the faithful a sense of their common life and of brotherhood in the 
bonds of faith.” 

      “Besides the institution of the pilgrimage, the payment of the legal 
alms is another duty that continually reminds the Muslim that ‘the 
faithful are brothers’ (XLIX-10) – religious theory that is very 
strikingly realised in Muslim society and seldom fails to express itself 
in acts of kindness towards the new convert. Whatever be his race, colour 
or antecedents he is received into the brotherhood of believers and takes 
his place as an equal among equals.” 
      (T. W. Arnold, The Preaching of Islam, London, 1956, pp. 415-416) 

      “It was the first religion that preached and practised democracy; 
for, in the mosque when the call from the Minaret is sounded and the 
worshippers are gathered together, the democracy of Islam is embodied five 
times a day when the peasant and the king kneel side by side and proclaim, 
“God alone is great”. I have been struck over and over again by this 
indivisible unity of Islam that makes a man distinctively a brother. When 
you meet an Egyptian, an Algerian, an Indian and a Turk in London, what 
matters that Egypt was the motherland of one and India the motherland of 
      “The extinction of race consciousness as between Muslims is one of 
the outstanding achievements of Islam, and in the contemporary world there 
is, as it happens, a crying need for the propagation of this Islamic 

      (Sirojini Naidu, Lecture on “The ideals of Islam” vide Speeches and 
Writings of Sirojini Naidu, Madras, 1918, p.169) 

Islamic Law: The Most Enlightened Jurisprudence 

      “The Islamic Law which is binding on all from the crowned head to 
the meanest subject is a law interwoven with a system of the wisest, the 
most learned and the most enlightened jurisprudence that ever existed in 
the world.” 
           (Edmund Burke, in his “Impeachment of warren Hastings”) 

Islam Imparts Knowledge and Creates Intellect 

      “To seek knowledge is a duty of every Muslim man and woman. ‘Seek 
knowledge even though it be in china’. The savants are the heirs of the 
Prophets. These profound words of the great reformer are an indisputable 
contradiction to those who seek and exert themselves in putting the 
responsibility of the intellectual degradation of Muslims upon the spirit 
of the Qur’an. Let them read and meditate upon this great Book and they 
will read that the Prophet incessantly called the attention and the 
meditation of his people to the splendid marvels, to the mysterious 
phenomenon of creation. The incredulous, sceptical and unbelieving may 
convince themselves that the importance of this Book and its doctrine was 
not to throw back, eventually, the intellectual and moral faculties of a 
whole people. On the contrary, those who have followed its counsels have 
been the creators of a civilisation which is astounding unto this day”. 
(Dr. A. Bertherand, Contribution des Arabes au Progress de Sciences 
Medicales, Paris 1883, p.6). 

      “It is to Mussulman science, to Mussulmsn art and to Mussulman 
literature that Europe has been in a great measure indebted for its 
extrication from the darkness of the Middle Ages.” 
(Marquis of Dufferin and Ava, Speeches Delivered in India, London, 1890, 
p. 24) 

      “It may be boldly asserted that no people in the world give the 
impression of being so religious-minded as do Moslems. All of life is 
saturated with the consciousness of God.” 
                                          (Charles R. Watson, what is this 
Moslem world? London, 193, pp. 38-39) 
      “Many Westerners, accustomed by their history books to believe that 
Muslims were barbarous infidels, find it difficult to comprehend how 
profoundly our intellectual life has been influenced by Muslim scholars in 
the field of science, medicine, mathematics, geography and philosophy. 
Crusaders who invaded the Holy Land to fight Muslims returned to Europe 
with new ideas of love, poetry, chivalry, warfare and government. Our 
concept of what a university should be was deeply modified by Muslim 
scholars, who perfected the writing of history and who brought to Europe 
much Greek learning.” 
(James A. Michener, “Islam – The Misunderstood Religion”, in the Reader’s 
Digest (American Edition, for May1955) 

Jihad and Muslim Conquests 

      “The crusades, the Turkish wars, and the great expansion of Europe 
widened the gulf between Christianity and Islam, while as the East was 
gradually brought under ecclesiastical influence the contrast grew deeper. 
The theory, however, that the Muslim conquerors and their successors were 
inspired by a fanatical hatred of Christianity is a fiction invented by 
              (C.H. Becker, Christianity and Islam, London, 1909, pp. 

      “Incidentally these well-established facts dispose of the idea so 
widely fostered in Christian writings that the Muslims, wherever they 
went, forced people to accept Islam at the point of the sword.” 
   (Lawrence W. Browne, The Prospects of Islam, London, 1944, p.14) 

      “The Jihad was not really obligatory except against peoples who had 
no revealed religion or who menace the existence of Islam… Jihad had to be 
waged to defend Islam against aggressions… Once the war was terminated the 
Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered peoples 
leaving them their legislation and religious beliefs.” 
(O. Houdes, La Grade Encyclopaedia, 1894, Tome 20, p. 1006) 

      “No other religion in history spread so rapidly as Islam… The West 
has widely believed that this surge of religion was made possible by the 
sword. But no modern scholar accepts that idea, and the Qur’an is explicit 
in support of the freedom of conscience. The evidence is strong that Islam 
welcomed the peoples of many diverse religions, so long as they behaved 
themselves and paid extra taxes. Muhammad constantly taught that Muslims 
should co-operate with the ‘people of the Book’ (Jews and Christians).” 

      “Although Islam originated in Arabia, today only a small percentage 
(7 per cent) of the world’s Muslims are Arabians, and less than a quarter 
(20 per cent) speak Arabic as their native language.” 

      “More than most religions, Islam preaches the brotherhood of all 
races, colours and nations within its fold. Muhammad himself probably had 
exactly the same skin colouring as Jesus – a very sun – tanned white – but 
today his followers embrace all colours; black men from Africa, yellow men 
from China, brown men from Malaya, white men from Turkey.” 
(James A. Michener, “Islam – The Misunderstood Religion”, in the Reader’s 
Digest (American Edition, for May1955) 

      “History makes it clear, however, that the legend of fanatical 
Muslims sweeping through the world and forcing Islam at the point of the 
sword upon conquered races is one of the most fantastically absurd myths 
that historians have over repeated.” 
(De Lacy O’Leary, Islam at the Crossroads, London, 1923, p.8) 

      “In their wars of conquest, however, the Muslims exhibited a degree 
of toleration which puts many Christian nations to same.” 
  (E. Alexander Powell, The Struggle for power in Muslim Asia. New York 
1923, p.48). 

      “The nobility and broad tolerance of this creed, which accepts as 
God-inspired all the real religions of the world, will always be a 
glorious heritage for mankind. On it could indeed be built a perfect world 
(Duncan Greenless, M.A. (Oxon.), The Gospel of Islam, Adyar 1948, p.27) 

     “In Muhammad’s days there was no Arabic version of the Bible from 
which he could obtain accurate knowledge of Christ…. Therefore some 
maintain that the very existence of Islam is due to the failure of the 
 (Angus Nicolson, ph. D., A Guide to Islam, Stirling, 1951, p. 16) 

Islam Can Fill the Social and Spiritual Vacuum Created by West 

      “I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation 
because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears 
to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phases of 
existence which can make itself appeal to every age….” 
      “I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be 
acceptable tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of 
today. The Mediaeval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, 
painted Islam in the darkest colours. They were, in fact, trained to hate 
both the man Muhammad and his religion. To them Muhammad was anti-Christ. 
I have studied him, the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an 
anti-Christ he must be called the saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a 
man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would 
succeed in solving its problems in a way that he would bring it the 
much-needed peace and happiness. Europe is beginning to be enamoured of 
the creed of Muhammad. In the next century it may go still further in 
recognising the utility of that creed in solving its problems and it is in 
this sense that you must understand my prediction.” 

      A collection of Writings of Some of the Eminent Scholars, published 
by the Working Muslim Mission, 1935, p.77) 

      “While Christianity in recent years has moved towards a social 
gospel, Islam has been a social gospel from the start. A significant 
distinction between the two Religions is that in the New Testament is a 
revelation of God; in the Qur’an is a revelation from God… Any religion 
that has lasted fourteen centuries must have some thing fundamentally 
significant and meaningful to say to every man whether he is a millionaire 
or a pauper, a prince or a slave. And Islam undoubtedly does.” 
                           (Wilfred Cantwell Smith. Islam in Modern 
History, London, 1946, pp.22-24). 

      “In these recently and rapidly opened up tropical territories, the 
Western civilization has produced an economic and political plenum and, in 
the same breath, a social and spiritual void.” 

      “Here then in the foreground of the future, we can remark two 
valuable influences which Islam may exert upon the cosmopolitan 
proletariat of a Western society that has cast its net round the world and 
embraced the whole of mankind.” 
(A. J. Toynbee, Civilisation on Trial, New York 1948, pp.208-208) 
  Thursday : 26/04/2001
  PS. Dilarang Rendah Diri dan memble bagi semua insan yang mengaku Muslim 
dan Muslimah.

jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  Percuma aja diskusi tentang Islam, kalau wawasan kita cuma wawasan kelas 
"lokal",  yang keluar dari mind kita ya engga "mutu dan wagu".
  Nah ini oleh-oleh dari Amerika,
  In the President’s Words: Respecting Islam 
  The United States is a nation dedicated to religious tolerance and 
freedom, and President Bush has acted to ensure that the world's Muslims 
know that America appreciates and celebrates the traditions of Islam. 
"Here in the United States our Muslim citizens are making many 
contributions in business, science and law, medicine and education, and in 
other fields. Muslim members of our Armed Forces and of my administration 
are serving their fellow Americans with distinction, upholding our 
nation's ideals of liberty and justice in a world at peace." 
  Remarks by the President on Eid Al-Fitr
   The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.
   December 5, 2002 
  Nah siapa yang bilang pemikiran Islam mandeg ...ndeg ?...ngoyo moro 
  Nggak usah Psy War-waran lah...udah engga jamannya.

Ari Condro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Babat- Debat Khalifah Islamiyah & SI


Dalam debat2 soal SI, komentar prof Azumardi (AA) ttg khalifah Islam dan
menyambung komentarku sebelum ini, ada banyak faktor. Ada faktor yg
berkaitan dengan Islam itu sendiri, dan ada yg dari luar, dan interaksi
antar keduanya.Dalam debat2 soal SI, komentar prof Azumardi (AA) ttg
khalifah Islam dan menyambung komentarku sebelum ini, ada banyak faktor. 
faktor yg berkaitan dengan Islam itu sendiri, dan ada yg dari luar, dan
interaksi antar keduanya.

Pertama, terhentinya pemikiran2 nalar dalam Islam dan matinya progresi 
Ini sudah terjadi sejak debat al-ghazzali di Bagdhad, sudah lewat part of

.Kedua, terhentinya pemikiran kekuasaan publik akibat kembalinya sistem
kekuasaan Islam ke kerajaan purba, sehingga kita tidak bisa lagi
membicarakan sistem majlis brotherhood egalitarian yg jelas2 diajukan oleh
Muhammad dulu. Note disini, idea majlis islami ini jelas belum matang 
aplikasi pemerintahan modern, sama halnya dengan ide2 kedaulatan rakyat
revolusi perancis juga diawalnya tidak matang. Perlu banyak adaptasi dan
klarifikasi untuk bisa menjadi sistem yg siap pakai. Tetapi juga jelas 
ada sumbangan yg bisa dilakukan oleh sistem majlis Islami ini (hal yg sama
dari sistem hirarkis konfusionis bisa dibentuk menjadi pemerintahan bersih
spt di Singapore dan sekarang diusahakan di Cina setelah ber-abad2 hanya
mendukung rejim feudal). Aku merasa - spt statement AA - bahwa sistem 
islami bisa saja memberi sumbangan besar pada sistem pemerintahan masa 
yg inheren didalamnya ada sistem etika individu. Bagaimana bentuknya aku
tidak tahu kini, yg jelas sama sekali berbalikan dari sistem2 yg ada spt

Ketiga, perkembangan sejarah modern kaum muslim sekarang telah menjadi
identik dengan 'kaum tertindas'. Ini sesungguhnya sekedar proses sejarah,
sejak ambruknya dinasti ottoman (yg memang sepatutnya ambruk, karena
basisnya yg feudal sangat lemah). Kaum muslim saat ini merasa dirinya kaum
tertindas, spt kaum marxis di abad 19 dan awal 20. Rasa ketertindasan yg
bisa dikatakan 'struktural' itu menimbulkan banyak sekali reaksi letupan2
emosi - sama spt rasa ketertindasan dimanapun. Perasaan ini relatif 
dibawah permukaan pada masa2 perang dingin, dan meledak kini post 911 dan
perang teror US. Saat ini adalah masa2 panas mudah meledak untuk ajaran
Islam. Saat2 emosional - mirip2 spt gerakan komunisme di awal 60an. Masa2
tidak rasional dan masa2 tidak berpikir. Ini berakibat jelek pada dua 
ya muslim nya ya non-muslim nya.

Reaksi2 spt tulisan2 VH (di thread2 lain) yg membela SI atas basis 'bela
diri' itu adalah wajar dalam masa2 spt sekarang, sama spt dulu kader PKI
selalu mengeluaran insinuasi ancaman pada lawan2 politiknya: nanti jika 
menang .....

Secara keseluruhan, malah bisa dikatakan VH lebih restraining diri 
yg lain. Walau juga jelas semangat machismo nya sangat kuat. Setidaknya 
jujur, menuliskan apa yg dia pikir, dalam konteks yg dia tahu. Di banyak
situasi, semangat machismo 'panas' itu memang muncul spt isi tulisannya:
Tunggu saja saat nya .... Awal 60 an.

- Apa artinya ini semua? Melihat situasi manusia harus dengan kacamata
kemanusiaan. Artinya, pemahaman bahwa memang wajar manusia mempunyai watak
emosional, rasio dan irrasionalitas, semangat balas dendam, short term dll
selain juga empati, long term, penolakan pada kekerasan dll. Kita tidak
bisa - kenyataannya tidak bisa - mengasumsikan manusia full rational lepas
dari konteks kesehariannya.

Lalu, saat ini bangunan SI tidak siap sama sekali tetapi tidak ada
alternatif jelas. Jutaan anak muda yg tertindas ber-teriak2 (tampak pada
kasus kartun denmark kemarin) membenci rasa ketertindasan itu. Tetapi 
tidak mempunyai kerangka pemikiran yg memadai. 'Terpaksa' banyak yg
mengambil apa yg ada - syariah islamiyah. Sama spt kaum marxist dulu, 
yg terjadi jangan kapitalisme, bentuk sosialisme yg spt apa itu pertanyaan

Ini reaksi wajar. Bukan berarti benar, tetapi sangat bisa diduga. 
ttg kewajaran SI dianggap menjadi pernyataan serangan terhadap paham
keislaman. Sikat dulu. Dalam term spt ini, maka tulisan2 VH bisa dikatakan
'ringan'. Dibanding pengawuran2 dari adisatya misalnya (si mbahmu-sempal 
sangat tendensius :P ).

Ingat bahwa ini bukan urusan benar atau tidak. Beberapa kantong2 
yg 'stewing on their own juices' - artinya hanya diskusi diantara mereka
sendiri - yg akhirnya membuat mereka jadi super-radikal; ini sudah masuk
teritori perang.

Apa yg seharusnya terjadi? Komentar AA itu suatu start. Secara ideal
seharusnya mulai ada pemikiran sintesa yg menjawab pertanyaan2 hakiki ttg
islam modern. Yang di diskusi kan dan dijawab oleh mereka2 yg berkompeten,
tidak emosional, dan berniat baik. Semua kultur mempunyai banyak sisi.
Kultur yg pernah 'menang' artinya pernah menjadikan suatu bangsa menjadi
besar dalam waktu lama, pasti mempunyai banyak sisi positif. Selain tentu
saja sisi2 negatif. Masalahnya adalah sisi mana yg diberi emphasis.

Sebagai ilustrasi adalah menyambung komentarku ttg confusius Cina. Sistem
tata negara confusius adalah hirarkis rigid mandarinisme yg menekankan
simbol dan ritual2 lebih daripada kenyataan, dengan ajaran yg berbasis 
arogansi suatu idealisme ttg 'penguasa yg bermoral'. Sistem ini membantu
membuat kekaisaran cina menjadi mandarinisme (birokrasi kejam) selama
ratusan tahun. Jika mau menekankan sisi negatif sistem ini sangat banyak
bisa dilakukan. Tetapi tokh di jaman modern ini suatu sintesa modern bisa
diciptakan: pemerintahan meritokrasi (dan semi xenophobic) Singapura! 
sekarang sedang di implementasi dalam skala sangat besar di Cina. Jika 
positif2 nya (meritokrasi, moral) yg menang, jelas confusius akan 
sangat besar pada jaman modern.

Dengan cara pikir yg sama, mengapa Islam tidak bisa? Saat ini bahkan model
Singapore untuk Islam sudah ada: Dubai, yang port-authority (perusahaan
pengurus pelabuhan)nya baru saja mencaplok P&O dan sekarang menjadi
perusahaan terbesar ketiga setelah Hutchison Li-kashing Hongkong dan PSA
Temasek Singapore. Konsorsium Dubai ini yg sekarang sedang di tengah2
gegeran karena akan mengontrol 6 pelabuhan di US (Dubai masuk, Dubya

Dubai adalah eksperimen Singaporean confusius untuk Islam. Mungkin 
yg bisa merumuskan sintesa modern Islam belum muncul -- mungkin juga tidak
bakalan segera muncul - menunggu badai emosional juvenile muslim ini lewat
(10 tahunan lagi, dengan asumsi al-qaeda tidak sukses, jika bajingan2 itu
sukses ya jauh lebih lama lagi).

Itulah sisi positif melihat badai ini -- termasuk didalamnya taufan SI
ngindo ini. Ngindo ada di tengah2 badai Islam ini, akan menjadi salah satu
negara yg paling hancur jika things go wrong, tetapi sebaliknya mungkin 
jadi negara yg memetik keuntungan terbesar jika things go right.

In the meantime, kurasa tidak ada jeleknya sama sekali airing debates spt 
sekarang di milis2 ini. Setidaknya airing the debates membuka katup 
agar tidak tertutup menjadi diskusi antar radikal yg saling memanaskan 
tanpa masukan baru apa2.

Dan ingat juga, sama spt halnya paham komunisme, hal yg paling besar
mengurangi radikalisme adalah kemakmuran rakyat banyak. Itu sebabnya short
term Malaysia mungkin akan lebih beruntung daripada Indonesia. Fanatisme
besar2an muncul jika perut lapar dan mata merah.

Aku really suggest kalian2 yg tidak benar2 dalam kategori 'perut lapar'
tidak perlu pura2 lapar untuk justifikasi ngamuk. Jujur saja. Tulis apa yg
benar2 kalian pikir tanpa retorika sloganistis yg keterlaluan. Bagi 
yg benar2 kelaparan, dengan sedih harus dinyatakan bahwa tidak banyak yg
bisa kulakukan untuk membantu kalian -- mungkin nasehat bagaimana jika
mengurangi akses ke milis2 debat dan lebih ke job-hunting? biarkan hal2
makro itu lewat. Sekedar nasehat saja. Secara prinsip semua orang
bertanggung jawab atas dirinya sendiri2.


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Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
Milis Anak Muda Islam mailto:majelismuda@yahoogroups.com

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        Women   Islam 

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Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
Milis Anak Muda Islam mailto:majelismuda@yahoogroups.com

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------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> 
Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and 

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
Milis Anak Muda Islam mailto:majelismuda@yahoogroups.com

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------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> 
Join modern day disciples reach the disfigured and poor with hope and healing

Milis Wanita Muslimah
Membangun citra wanita muslimah dalam diri, keluarga, maupun masyarakat.
Situs Web: http://www.wanita-muslimah.com
ARSIP DISKUSI : http://groups.yahoo.com/group/wanita-muslimah/messages
Kirim Posting mailto:wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com
Berhenti mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Milis Keluarga Sejahtera mailto:keluarga-sejahtera@yahoogroups.com
Milis Anak Muda Islam mailto:majelismuda@yahoogroups.com

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