  Alhamdulillah, puluhan tahun golongan syiah, ahmdaiah, sufi dll dizolimi oleh 
ulama2 wahhabi radikal, sekarang dibawah King abdullah, the right of religious 
freedom kepada golongan2 non islam, dan golongan2 islam yang tidak sejalan 
dengan golongan Wahhabism. Dan juga semua buku2 yang dicetak oleh ulama2 
Radikal wahhabi yang bermuat kebencian kepada golongan non islam danajaran 
islam yangsesat akan dihapus dan diganti dengan buku2 yang bermuat tolerensi 
kepoada semua agama dan keyakinan
  Semoga pula ulama2 radikal di Indoenesia dan MUI yang mengharamkan golongan 
ahmadiah dll sadar bahwa tindakannya itu bertentangan dengan DIIN ALLAH, 
bertentangan dengan syariat islam. Semoga the right of religous freedom akan 
mebawa angin segar, angin kedamaian dan semoga ajaran islam yang tolerensi dan 
anti kekerasan itu akan berjaya kembali,inya ALLAH
  Silakan baca artikel dobawah ini:Selamat mebaca dan memahami
  Semoga ALLAH membukakan hati hati yang keras.
  -- Saudi Arabia has promised a comprehensive review of all of its educational 
textbooks and to remove all language promoting intolerance, the State 
Department's ambassador for religious freedom said Wednesday.
  Ambassador John Hanford said Saudi Arabia is already making sincere progress 
in cleansing its textbooks from bigoted references and added "the Saudis agreed 
the language is inexcusable."
  "We are very pleased with the reforms that King Abdullah and his government 
have been making," Hanford said.
  However, there were still some "repugnant references" in the textbooks 
targeted at both non-Muslims and Muslims who don't follow the Saudi version of 
Islam, called Wahabism, he said.
  Hanford's comments followed a briefing for members of Congress on a list of 
policies the Saudis agreed to implement in the area of religious freedom.
  The new policies came after weeks of meetings between Hanford's team and 
senior Saudi officials to address Riyadh's designation of a "country of 
particular concern" in the last State Department report on religious freedom.
  The State Department's last report grading religious freedom around the world 
said "freedom of religion does not exist" in Saudi Arabia. Because Islam is the 
official religion of the country, all citizens must be Muslim, the report said.
  As a country of particular concern, Saudi Arabia is subject to U.S. trade 
sanctions. But the sanctions were waived in order to give Hanford and his team 
the diplomatic space to address the issues directly with the Saudis, and 
Hanford said the trade sanctions would continue to be withheld.
  A senior administration official who expanded on the agreement would only 
speak on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.
  As part of the deal, the Saudis promised to ban the use of government funds 
for textbooks, retrain educators and imams who espouse intolerance and 
incorporate education on human rights into the school curricula, the senior 
official said.
  The Saudis also said they would protect the right to private worship for all, 
including non-Muslims, and impose new landmark regulations on the country's 
religious police to ensure religious worshipers are not harassed.
  Saudi leaders also agreed to empower the newly-created Human Rights 
Commission to investigate and report all violations of human rights in the 
country and help the country improve its human rights practices.
  Saudi Arabia said it had expunged all intolerant language from its textbooks. 
But a recent review of Saudi texts for the current academic year by the group 
Freedom House revealed, despite Saudi statements to the contrary, an ideology 
of hatred toward Christians, Jews and Muslims who do not follow the Wahabi 
version of Islam.
  But the senior administration official said intolerant language had been 
removed from textbooks used in the United States and the textbooks studied in 
the Freedom House report were used in Saudi Arabia.
  Hanford said the Saudis plan to have a comprehensive review of all 
educational materials to be completed within one to two years.

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