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By Caryle Murphy
Updated: 1:50 a.m. ET Sept. 22, 2006
WASHINGTON - Chris Moore was an aspiring rock musician with earrings 
and a shaved head when he walked into a Northern Virginia mosque a 
dozen years ago and began asking questions about Islam.
A month later, the Christian-raised son of a U.S. Navy man became a 
Muslim. His conversion initiated a spiritual odyssey that took him 
to several Muslim countries, including Saudi Arabia, where he 
adopted and then rejected the ultraconservative Wahhabi approach to 
Moore's faith journey ultimately brought the Annandale resident 
home, and today he is pursing a master's degree at St. John's 
College in Annapolis, a university noted for its demanding 
curriculum based on reading classic works of Western civilization.
Like many other young Muslims in the United States, Moore is seeking 
to fashion an Islamic identity that flourishes in American society 
and influences it for the better. He feels a responsibility, he 
said, to contribute to a more harmonious relationship between Islam 
and the West -- a task that is on his mind as he observes this 
year's Islamic holy month of Ramadan, a period of daytime fasting 
and spiritual introspection that starts at sundown today.
"I'll be doing a lot of reflecting on how I can make a difference in 
the state of affairs of Muslims -- in the West, specifically," said 
Moore, 31, who attends the Mustafa Center in Annandale.
Fluent in Arabic, Moore said he hopes to foster understanding 
between Muslims and non-Muslims by translating some of 
the "beautiful, deep wisdom that I've found in Arabic 
literature. . . . There's a lot in the Islamic tradition that people 
in this country . . . would love."
But first, he wants to better understand his own culture, which is 
why St. John's was a logical choice. "What better way to understand 
the West," he said, "than by going directly to the foundational 
texts and books and works that helped create that civilization?"

Ramadan, believed to be the period when God revealed the first 
verses of the Koran to the prophet Muhammad, is the most important 
month of the Islamic religious calendar. During this time, which is 
dedicated to spiritual growth, Muslims must refrain from eating, 
drinking and having sexual relations between dawn and sunset. It is 
also customary for Muslims to spend part of the days during Ramadan 
studying the Koran.
The daily fast is broken with an evening meal called the iftar , 
after which many Muslims attend special nightly prayers, known as 
taraweeh , at their mosques. Ramadan evenings are often festive, 
with visits among relatives and friends. The month ends with one of 
Islam's major holidays, Eid al-Fitr.
A convert's spiritual journey
The arc of Moore's personal journey from a very conservative to a 
more moderate expression of his faith echoes the spiritual path of 
many Muslim American converts. For Moore, the story began in 1994, a 
year after graduating from Annandale High School.
An only child, he became close friends with Aaron Sellars, another 
young aspiring musician. The two also shared a yearning for 
spiritual fulfillment, which led them to Dar al Hijra Islamic Center 
in Falls Church. They walked in one day and began asking one of the 
members about Islam. Sellars converted that day; Moore, raised 
Catholic, did so shortly afterward.
He took to his new faith with an intensity typical of converts. He 
adopted the Arabic name Khalil, which means intimate friend, and 
gave up his beloved music, because a Saudi spiritual adviser 
convinced him that it was a sinful waste of time.
Moore also enrolled in the Saudi-run Institute of Islamic and Arabic 
Sciences in Fairfax to learn Arabic, because he wanted to read 
Islam's scriptures in their original language.
Sellars, 35, who works as an audiovisual artist at the California-
based Zaytuna Institute, an Islamic educational center, said he was 
not surprised that his longtime friend threw himself into studying 
Arabic after his conversion, since that was his approach to 
"All of a sudden, there's all these Post-It notes of Arabic all over 
the wall [of his bedroom]," Sellars recalled. "It was pretty amazing 
for me to see that quality of doing everything right transferred to 
his approach to Islamic studies."
Sellars said that Moore displayed the principles of Ramadan even as 
he moved to accept Islam. "Ramadan is about stopping, cutting off 
certain aspects of your normal life to think about that which is 
higher and that which is deep within yourself," Sellars said.
As Moore began to seriously consider converting, "there were certain 
aspects of his life that he put aside, people who had negative 
influences . . . who were just about partying, getting high, getting 
drunk," Sellars said. "The core principle of Ramadan, of doing 
without and looking within, he was already manifesting some of those 
qualities . . . in his journey for the truth."
'Another version of Islam'
When the Fairfax institute offered Moore a scholarship to study in 
Medina, Saudi Arabia, he grabbed it -- because to live in the town 
that Muhammad called home for several years is "the dream of every 
Muslim," Moore said.
He arrived in Medina in 1996. "When I first got there, I was pretty 
much in awe. I truly, honestly believed . . . that the only scholars 
on the face of the Earth that had anything to truly say about Islam 
were . . . Saudi-related in some way," he said. Theirs, he thought, 
was "the true Islam."
But in his third year of studies, he started having doubts about the 
Wahhabi version of Islam taught at Medina. He saw "inconsistencies" 
in some of his professors' teachings, he said, and was perplexed by 
the way they selectively chose scriptural stories to back up their 
ideas but left out others that contradicted them.
Determined to explore Islam on his own, Moore began reading 
respected ancient Muslim scholars whose views were contrary to the 
Wahhabi outlook. He also listened to a taped lecture by Hamza Yusuf, 
the founder of the Zaytuna Institute and a leading figure in the 
American Muslim community.
"Sparks started to go off, like maybe [his Saudi professors were] 
pulling the wool over my eyes," Moore recalled thinking. "Maybe 
there is another version of Islamic history and another version of 
When he started pulling away from the Wahhabi approach, some of his 
fellow students, including American and British colleagues, called 
Moore an unbeliever and an "innovator" -- a sin in Wahhabi thought.
In 1999, he decided to study Islam elsewhere and traveled to 
Mauritania, Morocco, Yemen and Egypt. He worked at an Islamic 
educational center in Abu Dhabi for a while. During his travels, he 
returned in the summer to study English and religious studies at 
George Mason University, where obtained a bachelor's degree in 2001.
'A very personal affair'
To develop "a truly Muslim identity within the American context," 
Moore said, Muslims in the United States need to combine what is 
best from their Islamic traditions and their American culture.
Moore, who no longer shuns music, is looking forward to the rigors 
of Ramadan. Although his current reading assignments from St. John's 
include "King Lear" and "The Canterbury Tales," he said he will 
strive to complete the traditional Ramadan practice of reading the 
Koran, a book of more than 6,000 verses, "from cover to cover" over 
the next 30 days.
He also, of course, will be fasting from dawn to sunset, a sacrifice 
that the Koran teaches is prescribed for Muslims "in order that you 
should become God-conscious," Moore said.
"Ramadan is a very personal affair," he added, noting that no one 
but God knows if you are truly fasting or sneaking a bite to 
eat. "Everyone can see that you're praying," he said. "But fasting --
 how can you tell?"
© 2006 The Washington Post Company

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