Jano - ko =
  Ini informasi dari lembaga kanker yang terpandang dari Amerika lho.
  Jawabannya sederhana saja,  " Wether the skin is protected "  
  The vast majority of skin cancers are due to unprotected
ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure. Most of this radiation comes from
sunlight, but some may come from artificial sources, such as tanning
booths. The amount of UV exposure depends on the strength of the
light, the length of exposure, and whether the skin is protected.

  Insan sari, kasihan-i  dong umat manusia, kasihan kalau pada kena kanker.

  Salam "With Care"
sarinesia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          radiasi sinar matahari merupakan perambatan energi matahari dengan
cara gelombang elektromagnetik. hal ini beda dgn konduksi atau
konveksi yang perlu ada media. radiasi tidak butuh media, dia bisa
menembus ruang hampa, menembus kaca, dll. kain jelas bisa ditembus.
apalagi sifat gelombang elektromagnetik bisa dipantulkan. 

--- In wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Jano - ko =
> >
> >
> > Saya mau pikir-pikir dulu apakah saya harus melanjutkan atau tidak
diskusi "jilbab dan global warming",... ....
> ----
> Mas Dwi :
> Kau yang mulai, kau yang melarikan diri ........
> ==================================
> Jano - ko =
> Mas Dwi,.....jadi boleh nich jano-ko melanjutkan diskusi dengan
mbak candra tentang "Jilbab dan Global Warming" ?, soale mbak
candra dengan cerdas telah "membuka pintu" diskusi dengan "cerdas"
yaitu dengan "SM", semangat proposisi "thesis - antithesis -
thesis......yang kalau dalam bahasanya jano-ko adalah mencari
kebenaran berdasarkan Al Qur'an, Hadis dan Sunah Rasul.
> Ok mas, jano-ko sedikit membuka kunci pembuka wawasan, semoga
bermanfaat and membuat diskusinya menjadi "gayeng" alias asyik.
> Jano - ko persembahkan kunci pembuka wawasan ini untuk para kaum
hawa dan kaum muslimah semoga mereka makin sayang terhadap dirinya dan
makin cinta kepada Allah s.w.t.
> --
> The vast majority of skin cancers are due to unprotected
ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure. Most of this radiation comes from
sunlight, but some may come from artificial sources, such as tanning
booths. The amount of UV exposure depends on the strength of the
light, the length of exposure, and whether the skin is protected.
> The short-term results of unprotected exposure to UV rays are
sunburn and tanning. Long-term exposure causes prematurely aged skin,
wrinkles, loss of elasticity, dark patches (lentigos, that are
sometimes called "age spots" or "liver spots"), actinic keratoses, and
actual skin cancers. Actinic keratoses are small (usually less than
1/4 inch) rough or scaly spots. Usually they develop on the face,
ears, back of the hands, and arms of middle-aged or older people with
fair skin, although they can arise on other sun-exposed areas of the
skin. Although actinic keratoses are slow-growing and usually do not
cause any symptoms, they sometimes turn into squamous cell cancer. 
> The American Cancer Society estimates more than 1 million new
cases of highly curable basal and squamous cell cancers will be
diagnosed this year. 
> The most serious form of skin cancer is melanoma, which is
diagnosed in more than 60,000 people each year and causes several
thousand deaths. During the 1970s, the incidence rate of melanoma
increased rapidly at about 6% per year. Since 1981, however, the rate
of increase slowed to about 3% per year. 
> dst.................
> ----
> Coba mas perhatikan kalimat diatas " The most serious form of skin
cancer is melanoma..",bayangkan beberapa ribu manusia meninggal karena
kanker kulit akibat sinar ultraviolet dari matahari.
> Untuk sementara itu dulu, silahkan ditanggapi.
> Wassalam
> --oo0oo--
> "Dwi W. Soegardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3/22/07, jano ko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ===============================================
> >
> > Jano - ko =
> >
> >
> > Saya mau pikir-pikir dulu apakah saya harus melanjutkan atau tidak
diskusi "jilbab dan global warming",.......
> Kau yang mulai, kau yang melarikan diri ........
> =numpang lewat=
> -anti-Janoko :D
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