Dari kantong Doraemon, file lama, Seri 673 dan 674


[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
673 Antara Mustafa K Attaturk dengan Mulyana W Kusuma Jilid I

Apa hubungannya di antara kedua sosok di atas itu? Kaitan itu diperjelas 
oleh Japrian yang saya terima seperti berikut:
"Ass wr.wb. Bolehkah Ustadz menulis lebih jauh siapalah sesungguhnya Kemal 
Attaturk itu? Betapa mungkin terjadi seperti Ustadz paparkan dalam seri 
berlalu: Hingga akhir Perang Kemerdekaan Turki melawan negeri-negeri Eropa 
yang menduduki negeri Ottoman setelah PD I, Mustafa Kemal dari Gerakan Turki 
Muda kelihatannya seperti seorang Muslim yang taat. Dia shalat bersama-sama 
ummat Islam di masjid-masjid. Bahkan diapun juga membaca khuthbah Jum'at di 
beberapa masjid. Dia bersumpah akan berperang untuk menyelamatkan Khilafah. 
Dia memuji-muji Allah, Islam dan Nabi Muhammad SAW sepanjang waktu. Dia 
menyebutkan Al Quran sebagai Kitab Suci yang sempurna. Dia berkata Al Quran 
itu adalah konstitusi. Dan dia juga mengatakan itu semuanya pada pembukaan 
Majelis Agung Nasional (National Grand Assembly) di Ankara sewaktu Perang 
Kemerdekaan. Sehingga ummat Islam mempercayainya. .....Tidak selang berapa 
lama Mustafa Kemal mulai melakukan Social Enginering yang keras dan kejam 
menerapkan reformasi anti-Islam. Sosok yang dahulunya berkata "Al Quran 
sebagai konstitusi", berbalik mengatakan "Kita tidak menerima hukum dari 
langit". Untuk mencapai reformasi anti-Islamnya, dalam menerapkan mekanisme 
Sosial Engineering, ia tidak segan-segan melakukan pemaksaan, terror, tiang 
gantungan, penyiksaan dan penjara. Apa katanya?: "Islam - this theology of 
immoral Arab- is a dead thing ... God's revelation ! There is no God !"
Mudah sekali Kemal Attaturk berputar haluan. Saya menanti harap-harap cemas 
Ustadz menulis lebih lanjutlah tentangnya. Sehingga boleh jadi dapatlah kita 
memahami pula mengapa Mulyana dengan drastis berputar haluan yang selama ini 
lantang dan nyaring bersuara menentang korupsi, eh tak tersangkalah menjadi 
aktor memberi suap untuk menutup korupsi di KPU. Wassalam.
Mengapa Mustafa Kemal shalat bersama-sama ummat Islam di masjid-masjid, 
bahkan diapun juga membaca khuthbah Jum'at, dan bersumpah akan berperang 
untuk menyelamatkan Khilafah, memuji-muji Allah, Islam dan Nabi Muhammad 
SAW, menjual ayat-ayat Allah dengan harga sedikit (TSMNA QLYLA, tsamanang 
qali-lan, 5:44), pada pembukaan Majelis Agung Nasional (National Grand 
Assembly) di Ankara sewaktu Perang Kemerdekaan? Itu dilakukannya sebagai 
taktik unruk mendapatkan dukungan ummat Islam. Sampai pada waktu itu orang 
Turki berpandangan sebagai Muslim dahulu, kemudian barulah sebagai orang 
Turki, tidak ada persaan arogansi ke-Turkian dalam kalangan warga Khilafah. 
Turki, Arab, Kurdi, Albania, Yunani, Slav, diikat oleh ideologi "ummah", 
persaudaraan Islam. Bacalah apa yang ditulis oleh Bernard Lewis:
Until the nineteenth dentury, the Turk thought of themselves primarily as 
Muslims; their loyalty belonged to Islam and not to the Ottoman state 
........The Ottoman had no racial arrogance or exclusiveness, no insistence 
on "pure" Turkish descent. Islam was the entry reqiurements which open the 
door both to real power and to social status to Albanian, Greek, and Slav as 
well as to Kurd and Arab. [The Emergence of Modern Turkey, Bernard Lewis, 
Oxford University Press, 1961, pp 2 and 8]
Dari mana ide Mustafa Kemal ttg reformasi anti-Islam? Itu didapatkannya dari 
gurunya yaitu Ziya Gokalp. Bacalah apa kata Ziya Gokalp:
Now the mission of the Turks is nothing but to uncover the pre-Islamic 
Turkish past which has remained with the people and to graft Western 
civilization in its entirety on to it. In order to equal the European powers 
militerily and in the science and industry, our only road to salvation is to 
adopt Western civilization completely. [Turkish Nationalism and Western 
Civilization, Ziya Gokalp, New York, 1959, p.276]
Ziya Gokalp mempunyai visi bahwa Turki harus menelan bulat-bulat peradaban 
barat. Dia berkeyakinan Turki Baru tidak bisa dibangun dengan ideologi Arab 
(maksudnya Islam -HMNA-), karena ideologi "ummah" (persaudaraan yang 
universal) tidak cocok dengan konsep nasionalisme barat. Ziya Gokalp 
sebenarnya kurang PD. Untuk menekan rasa rendah dirinya terhadap barat, ia 
membuat distorsi sejarah. Barat adalah penerus dari peradaban Mediterrania 
Kuno. Mereka itu adalah bangsa-bangsa Sumaria, Scythia, Phunicia dan Hyksos, 
yang kesemuanya itu adalah bangsa Turki. Dengarlah apa katanya:
Western civilization is a continuasation of rhe ancient Mediterranian 
civilazation. The founders of rhe Mediterranian civilization were Turkish 
peoples such as the Sumerians, Scythians, the Phunicians and the Hyksos. 
[Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization, Ziya Gokalp, New York, 1959, 
Padahal bangsa-bangsa Sumaria, Phunicia dan Hyksos adalah bangsa Semit, 
sedangkan bangsa Scythia adalah bangsa Parsi.
Mengapa Mustafa Kemal begitu tega sampai hati melakukan Social Engenering 
yang keras dan kejam reformasi anti-Islam? Bacalah dari mana Mustafa Kemal 
berasal, insya Allah akan disajikan nanti dalam Seri 674 yad. WaLlah a'lamu 

*** Makassar, 24 April 2005
   [H.Muh.Nur Abdurrahman]


[Kolom Tetap Harian Fajar]
674 Antara Mustafa K Attaturk dengan Mulyana W Kusuma Jilid II

Bagi pembaca yang tidak sempat membaca Seri 673 ybl. berisi tentang 
pertanyaaan dan jawaban pengasuh kolom ini tentang Kemal Attaturk yang mudah 
sekali berputar haluan. Yang baru dijawab ialah Mustafa Kemal berpenampilan 
Muslim yang taat pada waktu Perang Kemerdekaan untuk menarik simpati ummat 
Islam, karena tanpa dukungan ummat dia bukanlah apa-apa, sebab orang Turki 
pada waktu itu identik dengan ummat Islam. Tidak ada persaan arogansi 
ke-Turkian dalam kalangan warga Khilafah. Turki, Arab, Kurdi, Albania, 
Yunani, Slav, diikat oleh ideologi "ummah", persaudaraan Islam. "Until the 
nineteenth dentury, the Turk thought of themselves primarily as Muslims; 
their loyalty belonged to Islam and not to the Ottoman state ........The 
Ottoman had no racial arrogance or exclusiveness, no insistence on "pure" 
Turkish descent. Islam was the entry reqiurements which open the door both 
to real power and to social status to Albanian, Greek, and Slav as well as 
to Kurd and Arab. [The Emergence of Modern Turkey, Bernard Lewis, Oxford 
University Press, 1961, pp 2 and 8]" Juga yang telah dijawab ialah dari mana 
ide Mustafa Kemal ttg reformasi anti-Islam, itu didapatkannya dari gurunya 
yaitu Ziya Gokalp. "In order to equal the European powers militerily and in 
the science and industry, our only road to salvation is to adopt Western 
civilization completely. [Turkish Nationalism and Western Civilization, Ziya 
Gokalp, New York, 1959, p.276]"
Yang tersisa belum dijawab yaitu, mengapa Mustafa Kemal begitu tega sampai 
hati melakukan Social Engenering yang keras dan kejam. Yang tersisa itulah 
yang disajikan dalam seri ini.
Bulan Desember 1686 di Salonika, kurang lebih 300 keluarga Yahudi menjadi 
Muslim Marrano (orang Yahudi yang memeluk Islam). Mereka secara terbuka 
menjalankan Syari'ah, akan tetapi secara rahasia tetap meneruskan ibadah dan 
tradisi Yahudi di rumah-rumah mereka (the Islamic Marranos continued to 
attend Jewish services secretly and observed certain Jewish customs in their 
homes). Inilah komunitas yang penting secara historis akar gerakan rahasia 
yang menjadi duri dalam daging dalam Khilafah. Gerakan rahasia yang dijuluki 
"doenmeh" (pembelot) ini melebar dengan pesat di Asia Minor. Dalam abad 
ke-19 grakan rahasia doemmeh ini sudah mencapai anggota sejumlah sekitar 20 
000 orang. Salonika menjadi pusat gerakan rahasia ini. Tatkala tahun 1913 
Salonika menjadi bagian dari Yunani, komunitas Marrano tetap di Salonika, 
namun pusat gerakan rahasia doenmeh berpindah ke Istanbul.
Banyak anggota dari gerakan rahasia doenmeh ini menjadi anggota Gerakan 
Turki Muda, dua orang di antaranya ialah Mustafa Kemal yang menjadi pimpinan 
Gerakan Turki Muda dan Djavid Bey (kemudian menjadi Menteri Keungan). Dalam 
Gerakan Turki muda banyak yang menentang kepemimpinannya dengan 
mempergunakan latar belakang "ke-doenmeh-nya, tetapi tidak berhasil. Mereka 
semuanya habis dieksekusi setelah Mustafa Kemal meraih kekuasaan. [Sumber: 
The Secret Jews, Joachim Prinz, 1973, pp. 111-122]
Itulah yang menyebabkan Mustafa Kemal sampai tega hatinya melakukan Social 
Engineering yang keras dan kejam. Ia dan rejimnya berasal dari komunitas 
doenmeh yang merasa bukan bagian dari komunitas "ummah", sebagaimana sumpah 
komunitas Morrano ini: "I shall not marry into a Muslim family nor maintain 
any intimate association with them, for they are to us an abomination and 
particularly their women." [The Secret Jews, Joachim Prinz, 1973]
Lagi pula secara pribadi Mustafa Kemal mempunyai temperamen tanpa belas 
kasihan, karena ia peminum. "He was drinking heavily. The drink stimulated 
him, gave him energy, but increased his irritability. Both in private and 
public he was sarcastic, brutal and abrupt. He flared up at the least 
criticism. He cut short all attempts to reason with him. He flew into a 
passion at the least opposition. He would neither confide in nor co-operate 
with anyone. When one politician gave him some harmless advice, he roughly 
told him to get out. When a venerable member of the Cabinet suggested that 
it was unseemly for Turkish ladies to dance in public, he threw a Koran at 
him and chased him out of his office with a stick." [Grey Wolf, Mustafa 
Kemal, An Intimate Study of a Dictator, H.C. Armstrong, 1934]
Perihal Mulyana W. Kusumah itu drastis berbelok haluan 180 derajat tidaklah 
analog dengan Mustafa Kemal. Firman Allah:
walaqad adhalla mingkum jibillang katsi-ran afalam taku-nu- ta'qilu-n (s. 
ya-sin), artinya: Sesungguhnya setan itu menyesatkan banyak di antara kamu, 
tidakkah kamu memikirkannya?
Setan-setan itu anak buah Iblis. Waktu Mulayana masih di LSM Iblis ternyata 
belumlah mengutus anak buahnya untuk menyesatkan Mulyana. Nanti setelah 
Mulyana berkecimpung dalam perkara uang barulah Iblis mengutus anak buahnya 
yang pangkatnya cukup tinggi untuk menyesatkan Mulyana dan berhasil, yaitu 
secara faktual Mulyana mertangkap tangan memberi suap untuk menutup korupsi 
di KPU.
'Ala kulli hal, untuk mempelajari penterapan Syari'at Islam tidak ada 
gunanya melakukan studi banding ke Turki, terkecuali jika dimaksudkan hanya 
jalan-jalan saja, atau melakukan studi bagaiman caranya menjegal penegakan 
Syari'at Islam. WaLlahu a'lami bisshawab.

*** Makassar, 1 Mei 2005
   [H.Muh.Nur Abdurrahman]


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "satriyo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <wanita-muslimah@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2007 23:22
Subject: [wanita-muslimah] ATATURK CONFESSED TO BEING JEWISH





There were two questions I wanted to ask, I said over the phone to
Batya Keinan, spokeswoman for Israeli president Ezer Weizman, who was
about to leave the next day, Monday, Jan. 24, on the first visit ever
made to Turkey by a Jewish chief of state. One was whether Mr.
Weizman would be taking part in an official ceremony commemorating
Kemal Ataturk.

Ms. Kenan checked the president's itinerary, according to which he
and his wife would lay a wreath on Ataturk's tomb.

Excited and Distressed

I thanked her and hung up. A few minutes later it occurred to me to
call back and ask whether President Weizman intended to make any
reference while in Turkey to Ataturk's Jewish antecedents. "I'm so
glad you called again," said Ms. Kenan, who now sounded excited and a
bit distressed. "Exactly where did you get your information from?"

Why was she asking, I countered, if the president's office had it too?

Because it did not, she confessed. She had only assumed that it must
because I had sounded so matter-of-fact myself. "After you hung up,"
she said, "I mentioned what you told me and nobody here knows
anything about it. Could you please fax us what you know?"

I faxed her a short version of it. Here is a longer one.

Stories about the Jewishness of Ataturk, whose statue stands in the
main square of every town and city in Turkey, already circulated in
his lifetime but were denied by him and his family and never taken
seriously by biographers. Of six biographies of him that I consulted
this week, none even mentions such a speculation. The only scholarly
reference to it in print that I could find was in the entry on
Ataturk in the Israeli Entsiklopedya ha-Ivrit, which begins:

"Mustafa Kemal Ataturk - (1881-1938), Turkish general and statesman
and founder of the modern Turkish state.

"Mustafa Kemal was born to the family of a minor customs clerk in
Salonika and lost his father when he was young. There is no proof of
the belief, widespread among both Jews and Muslims in Turkey, that
his family came from the Doenme. As a boy he rebelled against his
mother's desire to give him a traditional religious education, and at
the age of 12 he was sent at his demand to study in a military

Secular Father

The Doenme were an underground sect of Sabbetaians, Turkish Jews who
took Muslim names and outwardly behaved like Muslims but secretly
believed in Sabbetai Zevi, the 17th-century false messiah, and
conducted carefully guarded prayers and rituals in his name. The
encyclopedia's version of Ataturk's education, however, is somewhat
at variance with his own. Here is his account of it as quoted by his

"My father was a man of liberal views, rather hostile to religion,
and a partisan of Western ideas. He would have preferred to see me go
to a lay school, which did not found its teaching on the Koran but on
modern science.

"In this battle of consciences, my father managed to gain the victory
after a small maneuver; he pretended to give in to my mother's
wishes, and arranged that I should enter the (Islamic) school of
Fatma Molla Kadin with the traditional ceremony. ...

"Six months later, more or less, my father quietly withdrew me from
the school and took me to that of old Shemsi Effendi who directed a
free preparatory school according to European methods. My mother made
no objection, since her desires had been complied with and her
conventions respected. It was the ceremony above all which had
satisfied her."

Who was Mustafa Kemal's father, who behaved here in typical Doenme
fashion, outwardly observing Muslim ceremonies while inwardly
scoffing at them? Ataturk's mother Zubeyde came from the mountains
west of Salonika, close to the current Albanian frontier; of the
origins of his father, Ali Riza, little is known. Different writers
have given them as Albanian, Anatolian and Salonikan, and Lord
Kinross' compendious 1964 "Ataturk" calls Ali Riza a "shadowy
personality" and adds cryptically regarding Ataturk's reluctance to
disclose more about his family background: "To the child of so mixed
an environment it would seldom occur, wherever his racial loyalties
lay, to inquire too exactly into his personal origins beyond that of
his parentage."

Learning Hebrew

Did Kinross suspect more than he was admitting? I would never have
asked had I not recently come across a remarkable chapter while
browsing in the out-of-print Hebrew autobiography of Itamar Ben-Avi,
son of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, the leading promoter of the revival of
spoken Hebrew in late 19th-century Palestine. Ben-Avi, the first
child to be raised in Hebrew since ancient times and later a Hebrew
journalist and newspaper publisher, writes in this book of walking
into the Kamenitz Hotel in Jerusalem one autumn night in 1911 and
being asked by its proprietor:
" `Do you see that Turkish officer sitting there
in the corner, the one with the bottle of arrack?' "
" `Yes.' "
" `He's one of the most important officers in the Turkish army.' "
" `What's his name?' "
" `Mustafa Kemal.' "
" `I'd like to meet him,' I said, because the minute I looked at him
I was startled by his piercing green eyes."

Ben-Avi describes two meetings with Mustafa Kemal, who had not yet
taken the name of Ataturk, `Father of the Turks.' Both were conducted
in French, were largely devoted to Ottoman politics, and were doused
with large amounts of arrack. In the first of these, Kemal confided:

"I'm a descendant of Sabbetai Zevi - not indeed a Jew any more, but
an ardent admirer of this prophet of yours. My opinion is that every
Jew in this country would do well to join his camp."

During their second meeting, held 10 days later in the same hotel,
Mustafa Kemal said at one point:

" `I have at home a Hebrew Bible printed in Venice. It's rather old,
and I remember my father bringing me to a Karaite teacher who taught
me to read it. I can still remember a few words of it, such asĀ­' "

And Ben-Avi continues:

"He paused for a moment, his eyes searching for something in space.
Then he recalled:

" `Shema Yisra'el, Adonai Elohenu, Adonai Ehad!'
" `That's our most important prayer, Captain.'
" `And my secret prayer too, cher monsieur,' he replied, refilling
our glasses."

Although Itamar Ben-Avi could not have known it, Ataturk no doubt
meant "secret prayer" quite literally. Among the esoteric prayers of
the Doenme, first made known to the scholarly world when a book of
them reached the National Library in Jerusalem in 1935, is one
containing the confession of faith:

"Sabbetai Zevi and none other is the true Messiah. Hear O Israel, the
Lord our God, the Lord is one."

It was undoubtedly from this credo, rather than from the Bible, that
Ataturk remembered the words of the Shema, which to the best of my
knowledge he confessed knowing but once in his adult life: to a young
Hebrew journalist whom he engaged in two tipsily animated
conversations in Jerusalem nearly a decade before he took control of
the Turkish army after its disastrous defeat in World War I, beat
back the invading Greeks and founded a secular Turkish republic in
which Islam was banished - once and for all, so he thought - to the

Ataturk would have had good reasons for concealing his Doenme
origins. Not only were the Doenmes (who married only among themselves
and numbered close to 15,000, largely concentrated in Salonika, on
the eve of World War I) looked down on as heretics by both Muslims
and Jews, they had a reputation for sexual profligacy that could
hardly have been flattering to their offspring. This license, which
was theologically justified by the claim that it reflected the
faithful's freedom from the biblical commandments under the new
dispensation of Sabbetai Zevi, is described by Ezer Weizman's
predecessor, Israel's second president, Yitzchak Ben-Zvi, in his book
on lost Jewish communities, "The Exiled and the Redeemed":

`Saintly Offspring'

"Once a year (during the Doenmes' annual `Sheep holiday') the candles
are put out in the course of a dinner which is attended by orgies and
the ceremony of the exchange of wives. ... The rite is practiced on
the night of Sabbetai Zevi's traditional birthday. ... It is believed
that children born of such unions are regarded as saintly."

Although Ben-Zvi, writing in the 1950s, thought that "There is reason
to believe that this ceremony has not been entirely abandoned and
continues to this day," little is known about whether any of the
Doenmes' traditional practices or social structures still survive in
modern Turkey. The community abandoned Salonika along with the city's
other Turkish residents during the Greco-Turkish war of 1920-21, and
its descendants, many of whom are said to be wealthy businessmen and
merchants in Istanbul, are generally thought to have assimilated
totally into Turkish life.

After sending my fax to Batya Keinan, I phoned to check that she had
received it. She had indeed, she said, and would see to it that the
president was given it to read on his flight to Ankara. It is
doubtful, however, whether Mr. Weizman will allude to it during his
visit: The Turkish government, which for years has been fending off
Muslim fundamentalist assaults on its legitimacy and on the secular
reforms of Ataturk, has little reason to welcome the news that the
father of the `Father of the Turks' was a crypto-Jew who passed on
his anti-Muslim sentiments to his son. Mustafa Kemal's secret is no
doubt one that it would prefer to continue to be kept.


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