Mas Dana :

Saya selalu bertanya sejak saya bergabung dalam milis ini tahun
 2000/2001, tolong berikan suatu contoh,suatu pembuktian empiris bahwa
 sistem syariat islam yg sedang diperjuangkan oleh sekelompok umat itu
 dapat diterapkan dalam abad ini dan memuaskan hasilnya.  Memuaskan
 dalam arti kata nilai2 Islam terpelihara tetapi juga tercapai kemajuan
 lahir dan batin sehingga dapat kita tentukan bahwa sistem itu berhasil.  


Janiki :

Seharusnya pertanyaannya begini, "Sumbangan apa yang telah diberikan Islam 
kepada Pencerahan Eropa?", ngono mas.
Bangsa Eropa mengakui sumbangan Islam kepada kebangkitan / pencerahan Eropa and 
abad ini sumbangan Islam dalam bidang moral akan diberikan Islam kepada dunia, 
marilah kita berdoa bersama-sama.


Artikel ini disajikan oleh saudara kita dari Amerika (pribumi Amerika) anggota 
milis janiki

"The answer to this dilemma and to  all dilemmas facing any society where the 
fabric of society is under threat from  immorality , alcoholism, drugs, 
gambling, crime, dishonesty , and  materialism  can be found in the Holy Quran 
which has been sent for  all humanity.Its principles have a universal 
application for all times. It has  been the task of the Holy Prophet Mohamed 
(SAW) to give a practical  implementation to the Universal message of the Holy 
Quran so that anyone that  follows the perfect example of the Holy Prophet 
(SAW) will be on the Straight  Path." 


Teaching the Intricacies of Sex to Teens 

Foundation for Islamic  Publications

The topic of sex has universal  appeal. Sex is portrayed daily in various forms 
, directly or indirectly,  in  newspapers, magazines, cinemas, and in 
conversations between  people . The topic of sex conjures images of  sexuality 
,  promiscuity , lewdness, adultery , fornication , pornography , rape ,teenage 
 pregnancies, paedophilia , gays , sexually transmitted diseases, 
contraceptives,  abortions and HIV/AIDS. Yet somehow , despite the fact that 
‘everyone’ is  influenced by this topic , it seems that most parents find this 
topic somewhat  ‘delicate’ to discuss with their children. 

Children of today seem  to be maturing at a faster rate than a generation ago 
and often ask intelligent  questions to their parents. Some parents do their 
level best to satisfy the  natural curiosity of their children . Other parents 
simply don’t know how to  handle these ‘fast – growing “ kids and  often assume 
that the less  said about the subject of sex ,the better. In some homes the 
word ‘sex’ is taboo  and children are often reprimanded for asking innocent 
questions. Parents  assume  that children will ‘grow up” and in any case ‘they 
will  learn” or that the school or friends are ‘responsible’ for sharing this  
knowledge. The reality is that parents who have this view, are overlooking a  
major and significant source of correct information regarding this topic ie  
themselves! Our children have the right to be given an unbiased view on  sex 
based on the Holy Quran as well as the Sunnah of the Prophet Mohamed (SAW)  .

Parents fail to  realise  that EVERYONE is teaching your child about sex EXCEPT 
you.  Everyone else is telling your kids about sex . How sure are you that this 
 information is based on the guidelines laid down in Islam or is sex a  
fashionable industry that changes like  the flavour of the month.  Sex is a 
topic that advertisers and marketers use very effectively to sell their  
products. Unfortunately , the sources of  information available to  the 
pre-teen who is about to become a teenager are often biased. In this mirage  , 
an illusion is created that ‘everyone” is having sex and that in this modern  
times , ‘anything goes “ and  ‘ you only live once” so make the  best of it. It 
is ‘cool’ to chew a particular brand of chewing gum or smoke a  particular 
brand of cigarette because that makes you ‘rich’, ‘successful’ and  will ensure 
that you can attract the ‘perfect’ partner. In fact , reality is far  removed 
from the illusion that is fed to the senses of our unsuspecting
 With aggressive and sustained  marketing, society comes to accept “abnormal” 
activities as ‘normal’; 10 years  ago , what was considered ‘abnormal’ , 
‘unthinkable ‘, ‘abhorrent ‘, “immoral  “and “ shameful” is today considered 
“fashionable” , “normal” and “modern” .A  typical example is, that after 
watching a few episodes of  any  prime-time soap opera on TV , one would get 
the impression that adultery is  acceptable and normal ; pre-marital sex is in 
‘fashion’ and that deceit ,  trickery , lying and manipulation are essential to 
“get” your man or woman no  matter what the cost or hurt that others suffer in 
the process. Furthermore ,  the printed and visual media create the impression 
that marriage is old  fashioned , live-in relationships and cohabitation are in 
vogue , being gay is  fashionable , homosexuality , bestiality , escort clubs 
(prostitution) are all  “normal”. We have reached a stage (through effective 
marketing) where certain  individuals in society justify
 everything on their right to freedom of  expression .  If this is really 
‘freedom” . then why do we see so  many examples of the following scenarios :
 (1)                  young adults are being  infected with the HIV virus at an 
alarming rate ;  South  Africa has one of the fastest  rate of growth in the 
number of infected people worldwide ; HIV/AIDS has reached  epidemic 
proportions in this country . The age group that is mainly targeted is  the 
teenagers and young adults
 (2)                  a devout mother , loyal  to her husband , suddenly 
develops a sexually transmitted disease (such as  syphillis , gonorrhoea or 
Herpes or even HIV/ AIDS) ; how did this happen ?  STD’s has reached epidemic 
proportions in the  USA where 40 million people  are infected with some form of 
 (3)                  Teenage pregnancy is on  the increase ; girls as young as 
11 are falling pregnant ie a child is pregnant  with a child; many teenagers 
are having abortions which lead to emotional,  physical and mental side effects
 (4)                  Girls as young as 10-12  are having unprotected sex with 
devastating consequences ; when questioned ,  these young children say : “ no 
one told me that it is wrong  ‘
 (5)                  Wonderful homes breaks  up and end in divorce because the 
husband (or wife ) was having an adulterous  relationship; the main victims in 
this scenario are the  children
 (6)                  Females   between the ages of 2 and 80 are being  raped
 (7)                  Homosexuality is on the  increases ;these  acts of sodomy 
that were once considered an  abomination against humanity , are now considered 
“normal” to the extent that  gay marriages are being allowed in some parts of 
the  world.
 (8)                  More and more  relationships end up in hurt, depression , 
unhappiness , conflicts and  regret
 The above examples show that the  issue of ‘sexual liberation” has in fact 
enslaved the very people that it  attempts to free .The sexual liberators are 
being enslaved in the chains of  disease , depression , divorce , 
dissatisfaction, double-standards, deceit and  discontent. Individuals, 
organizations and governments are actively searching  for solutions to halt 
this tide of immorality and its associated truckload of  problems. 
 Recent research has  shown that 2/3rd of the schools in USA are now   
promoting the idea of “no sex before marriage”  and that  “safe sex” is not 
“use condoms” , but that the only safe sex is “no sex before  marriage “ and 
only 1 sex partner for life (ie no adultery). Furthermore , many  states in the 
USA are promoting the idea  of having pride in remaining a virgin until 
marriage and many students are  signing certificates vowing their commitment to 
this new “fashion” of  abstinence.  How long will this last ? Will we once 
again undergo a  new sexual revolution? 
 The answer to this dilemma and to  all dilemmas facing any society where the 
fabric of society is under threat from  immorality , alcoholism, drugs, 
gambling, crime, dishonesty , and  materialism  can be found in the Holy Quran 
which has been sent for  all humanity.Its principles have a universal 
application for all times. It has  been the task of the Holy Prophet Mohamed 
(SAW) to give a practical  implementation to the Universal message of the Holy 
Quran so that anyone that  follows the perfect example of the Holy Prophet 
(SAW) will be on the Straight  Path.


Silahkan dihayati.



Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:                                  Dalam suatu 
perdebatan teori biasanya orang ingin suatu pembuktian
 empiris, sehingga teori  itu dapat dinilai aplikabilitasnya.
 Saya selalu bertanya sejak saya bergabung dalam milis ini tahun
 2000/2001, tolong berikan suatu contoh,suatu pembuktian empiris bahwa
 sistem syariat islam yg sedang diperjuangkan oleh sekelompok umat itu
 dapat diterapkan dalam abad ini dan memuaskan hasilnya.  Memuaskan
 dalam arti kata nilai2 Islam terpelihara tetapi juga tercapai kemajuan
 lahir dan batin sehingga dapat kita tentukan bahwa sistem itu berhasil.  
 Seandainya parameter2 keberhasilan masyarakat yg sekarang menjadi
 ukuran baku itu tidak disetujui (spt produk domestik bruto, tingkat
 melek huruf, tingkat pengangguran, tingkat kematian ibu, tingkat
 kematian balita, dsbnya) mohon berikan benchmarknya dan mari kita
 bandingkan keberhasilan negara itu terhadap benchmarknya sendiri 
 menurut syariat Islam itu sendiri.
 Ternyata sampai saat inipun belum ada satupun yg berhasil
 mempresentasikan di milis ini contoh tersebut.  Malah ada yg bilang
 jaman sekarang ini tidak ada negara yg benar2 negara Islam. Jadi apa
 ini artinya?  Apakah memang konsep syariat Islam itu unachievable
 dalam abad 21 ini?  Apa dong gunanya memperjuangkan hal2 yg tidak
 mungkin dapat dicapai?
 Mengenai konsep DUHAM yg kelihatannay sudah diadopsi oleh NU dan
 diusulkan istilahnya adalah ukhuwah insaniyah, saya ada contoh
 terdekat sebagai bukti empiris yaitu Uni Eropa.
 Seperti yg saya bahas dalam artikel sebelumnya, nation-state itu
 dibentuk di Eropa sebagai solusi dari perang agama, dari religious
 tribalism.  Keberhasilan konsep nation-state ini ternyata efektif
 menghentikan perang agama, tetapi tidak efektif dalam mengentikan
 perang dunia.
 Jadi perlu ada solusi baru.  Tadinya PBB yg diharapkan tetapi ternyata
 mandul juga karena adanya kepentingan super power yg memaksakan
 Uni Eropa oleh karena itu dibentuk sebagai suatu tata negara baru
 dimana nation-state tidak terlalu relevan lagi kecuali lebih sebagai
 identitas budaya.  Uni Eropa itu sendiri belum sempurna karena UUDnya
  masih belum disetujui oleh negara2 anggotanya, tapi sudah banyak yg
 Unsur terpenting dalam pembentukan Uni Eropa ini ialah harmonisasi
 tata hukum dan tata ekonomi. 
 Dalam tata hukum mereka, setiap warga Uni Eropa berhak bepergian dan
 tinggal di mana saja di Uni Eropa tanpa harus minta visa lagi.  Visa
 itu adalah izin utk masuk suatu negara berdaulat.  Orang Jerman kalau
 mau kerja dan tinggal di Spanyol tidak perlu repot2 minta visa menetap
 dsb, cukup melapor pada kecamatan atau pemda setempat.  Laporan itu
 lebih utk kepentingan statistik bukan utk minta izin.
 Harmonisasi tata hukum ini juga berdampak luas.  Setiap warga EU akan
 memperoleh perlakuan hukum yg sama dan setara dalam Uni Eropa. Sedang
 dibahas misalnya bahwa UU Perlindungan Konsumennya juga
 diharmonisasikan agar kalau kita misalnya tinggal di Jerman, beli
 produk Sony di Spanyol maka kalau rusak garansinya selagi berkunjung
 ke Belanda minta diperbaiki di sana.   Sistem Kesehatan Umumnya juga
 membolehkan setiap warganegara berobat kemana saja dalam Uni Eropa
 secara gratis.  Hanya perlu isi formulir saja.
 Memang hasil dari harmonisasi ini masih jauh dari sempurna tetapi
 setiap hari ada kemajuan perubahan menuju ke arah itu.
 Harmonisasi tata ekonomi juga dilakukan melalui mata uang Euro.  Dg
 mata uang tunggal orang bukan saja tidak perlu repot2 tukar uang, tapi
 untuk bisnis antar negara anggota UE lebih mudah bagi orang dalam
 mengkalkulasi biaya dan pendapatan.  
 Bagi saya ini adalah bentuk terapan ukhuwah insaniyah yg paling dekat
 dg konsepnya.  Jadi ada contonya dan bukan OMDO.
 Bagaimana dg ukhuwah islamiyah?  Bagi saya masih tidak lebih dari
 slogan belaka.  Contohnya mau naik haji masih perlu visa.  Masa mau ke
 Mekah harus minta visa dari Saudi Arabia?  Seharusnya kan Kabah itu
 milik segenap umat Islam dan setiap umat Islam berhak mengunjunginya
 tanpa harus minta izin sama yg BUKAN memilikinya!
 Kita sebagai muslim tidak bisa datang ke Kuwait, Qatar, UAE begitu
 saja tanpa visa dan izin kerja utk bekerja dan menetap di sana
 walaupun kesempatan kerja banyak.  Kalau beli barang di Tanah Abang
 dan lagi naik haji enggak bisa kita minta garansinya diterima di Mekah.
 Waktu saya ke Maroko, paling2 disambut dg ucapan Marhaban.  Tapi kalau
 saya sakit harus bayar sendiri biaya dokternya.
 Jadi ukhuwah Islamiyah itu masih wacana dan akan tetap wacana kalau
 tidak ada pembahasan dan upaya mengarah ke harmonisaisi tata hukum dan
 tata ekonomi di antara negara2 Islam (atau anggota OIC).  Masih dalam
 bentuk ikatan emosional yg tidak terdefinisi dg jelas dan belum ada
 penerapan hukum positifnya. 
 Saya kira tantangan bagi mereka yg ingin menegakkan ukhuwah Islamiyah,
 coba lakukan harmonisasi tata hukum dan tata ekonomi dulu, utk
 disambung dg tata politik dan sebagainya, diantara negara2 OIC,
 sehingga semua umat Islam dapat bepergian ke mana saja dan dapat
 bekerja di mana saja tanpa visa. Barulah ukhuwah Islamiyah ada
 maknanya di dunia fana ini.

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