Tuesday 23 October 2007 (12 Shawwal 1428)

Young Woman Beats Up Harasser
Arab News

DAMMAM, 23 October 2007 - The problem of women being harassed in shopping malls 
in Saudi Arabia is common. Most victims of harassment choose to ignore their 
pursuers in the hope that they will eventually grow tired and leave them alone. 
A 20-year-old woman who was out shopping with her mother tried the ignoring 
method after a young teenager began harassing her, the daily Al-Yaum reported 
recently. The young man, who thought she was playing "hard to get," continued 
to pursue her and ignore her warnings. Finally the young woman decided she had 
had enough and rolled up the sleeves of her abaya and began to pummel the youth 
with her fists. The shocked teenager lost his balance and fell to the ground. 
The young woman, with the help of her mother, surrounded the youth and 
continued to kick and punch him. Eventually, the young man managed to get up 
and run away. The beating undoubtedly was a lesson to the teen who will think 
twice before harassing a woman again

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