Allahu Akbar...!  

Pope to host summit with Muslims 

Pope Benedict XVI will host landmark Catholic-Muslim
talks in November to improve ties between the two
The announcement was made in a joint statement after a
two-day meeting between senior Vatican and Muslim
leaders in Rome. 

Catholic-Muslim relations soured after a 2006 speech
in Germany in which the Pope quoted a 14th Century
Byzantine emperor's criticisms of Islam. 

The Regensburg speech provoked Muslim fury and
triggered protests worldwide. 

But it also prompted 138 Muslim scholars from 43
countries to launch an appeal to the Pope for greater
theological dialogue, called the Common Word. 

Since then the number of signatories to the appeal has
grown to more than 200. 

Wider dialogue 

The joint statement said the first Catholic-Muslim
summit would be held in Rome on 4-6 November and would
involve 24 religious leaders and scholars from each

It said the Pope would address the meeting on the
themes of "Love of God, Love of Neighbour",
"Theological and Spiritual Foundation" and "Human
Dignity and Mutual Respect". 

Catholic and Muslim leaders hope the forum will start
a regular official dialogue between the two religions.

The conference will take place just over a year after
the Regensburg speech. 

Although the pontiff has repeatedly expressed regret
for the reaction to his comments, he stopped short of
the clear apology sought by Muslims. 

But the BBC's Frances Kennedy in Rome says the Vatican
is now clearly convinced of the need for a wider, if
more difficult, dialogue with Islam. 

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/03/05 14:10:30 GMT


Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

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