April Mop udah lewat, kok ente masih seneng aja nipu orang?
ini berita di situs itu, dan udah pernah kok dibahas kebohongannya.
coba deh baca sendiri, geli dehhhh
aneh beritanya 2 tahun lalu  ......
tiap tahun, deket-deket April Mop, pasti akan dihebohin lagi

'Danish Editor burnt alive'

The editor of the Danish newspaper 'Jyllands Posten' was burnt to death when
a fire mysteriously broke out in his bedroom, a Saudi newspaper claims.
According to the newspaper, the editor was sleeping in his bedroom when the
fire ravaged his bedroom. He and his newspaper became controversial when it
had published blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
The paper claims that the Danish govt is trying to cover up the news of the
death. He was hit by divine retribution, the paper added. Muslims, all over
the world, strongly denounced this blasphemous act and massive protests were
held in all Muslim countries including Pakistan. Text messages and emails
that claim that the editor or the cartoonist has been burnt alive have also
been circulating since Tuesday, lending support to this report. The paper
named the editor as Elliot Back. However, Back is merely a senior in
Computer Science at Cornell University, who had published the caricatures on
his website. Name of the culture editor of Jyllands Posten, who commissioned
the caricatures, is Flemming Rose. Jens Julius is the name of one of the
cartoonists that drew the images. There were 12 cartoonists in all, who
according to the BBC have gone into hiding. – NEWS DESK

2008/4/19 Tana Doang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> http://www.nation. june-2006/ 15/index12. php
> Telah MATI: yang terkutuk cartoonist 'Jyllands Posten' yang menghina Rasul
> kita lewat karikaturnya dengan bencana kebakaran yg menimpa bersama
> keluarganya. Si terkutuk itu terbakar hidup-hidup bersama keluarganya, juga
> tidak lupa ikut semua harta seisi rumahnya.... habiiiiiiis. Pemerintah
> Denmark sangat merahasiakan,
> menyembunyikan bahkan menutup-nutupi berita ini dari media massa dan
> khayalak ramai. Sebarkan berita ini, biarkan para sahabat yang beriman
> melafazkan "Subhaaanallah" atas kebesaranNya mengazab orang2 terkutuk yang
> berani melecehkan RasulNya.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> ------------------------------------
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