Nih contoh solidaritas Islam: negeri  Arab yang ada diantaranya super kaya 
petro dollar saja  tidak memenuhi janjinya untuk membantu orang Palestrina...

Lagi-lagi yang bantu orang Palestina itu biasanya orang kafir.


Call to Arabs on Palestinian aid 
The Quartet of major powers mediating in the Middle East peace process
has called on Arab states to honour aid pledges to the Palestinians.  
The call was made after talks in London between the UN, US, EU and Russia. 
US officials say only about a fifth of money promised by Arab nations in 
December has been paid. 
The quartet condemned recent violence, and called on Israel to end settlement 
activity and Palestinians to "tackle terrorism". 
The group welcomed "concrete steps by both sides", such as the removal
of some Israeli roadblocks and Palestinian security improvements, but
said "much more remained to be done", UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon said at
a news conference. 

 I do believe that the window for the two-state solution will not be
forever open... you could argue that it has gotten narrower and
narrower over time  
 Condoleezza Rice 
US Secretary of State 
It also condemned recent violence, including Palestinian rockets
attacks on Israeli towns, an attack on a Jewish seminary earlier this
year, Palestinian civilian deaths in clashes in Gaza and a Palestinian
attack on a fuel depot. 
The quartet expressed "deep concern" over the
humanitarian situation in Gaza, calling for provision of essential
services to the Strip "without obstruction". 
Shortages of fuel and basic goods have created a
stranglehold on the Gaza Strip's fragile economy since Israeli
restrictions were imposed after Hamas seized control of the Strip last
June and tightened in response to the firing of rockets into Israel. 
Promised money  
US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stressed that pledges made at
the Paris conference were for the Palestinian people, not the US. 
"Clearly when you make a pledge you ought to fulfil it," she said after the 
US officials say that of $717m promised by Arab League members, only
$153m of Arab pledges have been delivered, all from three countries:
Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Algeria. 
Ms Rice is due to hold three-way talks with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam 
Fayyad and Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni. 
BBC diplomatic correspondent Bridget Kendall says there is a sense of
urgency at the talks, with one official warning that the Palestinian
Authority is in danger of financial collapse. 
US sponsored peace talks launched between Israel and
the Palestinian Authority - controlled by Hamas's rival Fatah - last
year, aiming for a two-state solution by the end of 2008, have produced
little tangible progress. 
En-route to London, Ms Rice warned that the "window for the two-state
solution" would not be "forever open" and had become "narrower and
narrower over time". 
HAVE YOUR SAY   These world powers created the mess in Palestine so it is their 
responsibility to fix it  Peter, Canada 
But she added: "I think it is far too early to start [having] any sense of 
despair about the end of the year." 
Ahead of the talks, Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayad said the process was 
"stumbling and stumbling badly". 
He stressed that he was hoping Friday's talks would address issues
including the provision of funding for Palestinian institutions from
international donors and the easing of Israeli restrictions on
Palestinian mobility. 
'Near to collapse'  
Our correspondent says the modest ambition voiced by some for of
Friday's talks is to get Arab nations to produce more cash to keep the
Palestinian Authority afloat. 
And, she adds, overall the point of this high level
gathering it seems is not to force any breakthrough, but simply to keep
all sides engaged and make sure that the faltering peace process stays
Ahead of the talks, British aid agencies warned that ordinary life in Gaza was 
becoming "intolerable". 
"Only a trickle of medicine, food, fuel and other goods is being
allowed in," warned a statement from agencies including Oxfam and
Christian Aid. 
"It has made people highly dependent on food aid, and
brought the health system and basic services such as water and
sanitation near to collapse." 
Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/05/02 09:53:46 GMT


Jusfiq Hadjar gelar Sutan Maradjo Lelo

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