Malaysian with 25 kids takes 4th wife: report
Published: Tuesday, June 10, 2008
KUALA LUMPUR - A 49-year-old Malaysian man has been given the nod to take a 
fourth wife after siring 25 children with the other three, reports said Tuesday.

Abu Bakar Embong, who is also a grandfather of three, was given permission by 
the religious court in conservative northern Terengganu state after showing he 
was able to meet the financial needs of all four, the Star daily said.

Muslims in Malaysia are allowed to marry up to four wives but Islamic courts 
must approve multiple marriages before they can take place.

"The court has considered the affidavit submitted by Abu Bakar, where he stated 
that he earned 20,000 ringgit (6,126 dollars) a month and has provided houses 
and cars for each of his wives," judge Shaikh Ahmad reportedly said.
Outside the court, Abu said he believed in treating all his wives equally.

"As long as I can afford another wife and am strong, I don't see why I can't 
marry," Abu told the paper.

The property negotiator has fathered 11 boys and 14 girls with his three wives 
and the children range from four months to 25 years in age, the Star reported.

Abu's three wives said he was a loving, fair and responsible husband and that 
they had worked together to arrange his marriage to his fourth wife.

The wedding is expected to take place later this week, it said.

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