Palm Oil's Environmental Cost      
      Written by Ben Bland     
      Monday, 24 November 2008  

      Palm plantation, IndonesiaDespite endorsement by a tame certifier, 
Southeast Asia's miracle oil faces trouble 

      Just outside Danau Sentarum National Park, a large and diverse wetland 
area in West Kalimantan on the Indonesian side of Borneo, lumberjacks working 
for an Indonesia plantation company are busy felling trees and clearing the 
tropical forest. On the other side of the world, in London, a child is 
unwrapping and preparing to eat a chocolate bar. The connection between these 
two seemingly unrelated occurrences is simple: palm oil. 

      Demand for the versatile vegetable oil, which is used in everything from 
chocolate to soap and is even now deployed as a biofuel, is increasing steeply 
even despite falling commodity prices. However, as the plantations have 
encroached ever deeper into the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia - which 
between them produce more than 85 percent of the world's palm oil - concerns 
about the environmental and social consequences have grown. 

      The industry's main response was to set up the Roundtable on Sustainable 
Palm Oil (RSPO) in 2004. But while this grouping managed to bring together palm 
oil producers, purchasers and some NGOs, environmental lobbyists such as 
Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth are now turning on the organization, 
accusing it of operating as a smokescreen for expanding plantation companies 
with little interest in preserving precious rainforests and peat lands. 

      The main charge from groups such as Greenpeace, which recently sent its 
ship Esperanza on a seven-week tour to Indonesia to document deforestation, 
disrupt shipments of palm oil and raise public awareness, is that the 
destruction of forests and peat lands is contributing to climate change. 

      About a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions are caused by 
deforestation. Forests and peat land, in particular, store large amounts of 
carbon and their destruction causes this to be released into the atmosphere. 
Indonesia is already the third-biggest emitter of greenhouse gases in the 
world, according to a report released last year by the World Bank and the 
British government, with around 85 percentof its emissions coming from forest 
clearing and forest fires. 

      However, despite calls for a moratorium on deforestation by Greenpeace - 
which claims that Indonesia's forests are being cleared at a rate of almost 2 
million hectares a year - the Indonesian government signaled at the RSPO annual 
meeting in Bali last week that it had no intention of halting the long-term 
expansion of palm oil plantations. Agriculture minister Anton Apriyantono said 
that economic needs should trump any drive for sustainability given the 
worsening state of the world economy. 

      At the heart of the debate between the environmentalists and the palm oil 
companies lies the inescapable challenge that faces every developing country in 
Asia and around the world: how is it possible to pursue economic growth without 
damaging the environment and contributing to climate change.

The question becomes even more pressing in tough financial times like these, 
when governments need to do everything possible to stoke their flagging 
economies - especially governments that are facing sustained political pressure 
such as in Indonesia (where presidential elections are to be held next year) 
and Malaysia (where the incumbent Barisan Nasional coalition is being squeezed 
by a renewed opposition). 

The latest gross domestic product figures revealed that Indonesia's 
once-booming economy is starting to feel the pain of the global slowdown. 
Growth in the third quarter eased to the slowest rate in a year-and-a-half, 
down to 6.1 percent per annum from 6.4 percent in the preceding quarter. 

Palm oil, which brought in $7.9 billion of foreign currency last year, 
accounting for around 7 percent of Indonesia's total exports, is a vital part 
of the country's economy. However, palm oil prices have slumped by around 
two-thirds since peaking in March, as the global economic outlook has 

This collapse in prices, and the fear that global demand for products that 
contain palm oil could weaken further as the worldwide slump deepens, has 
driven Indonesia and Malaysia to cut production in the short-term. By 
replanting palm oil-producing trees that are more than 25 years old, they hope 
to reduce short-term supply while ensuring that production will be ramped back 
up in three-four years' time, when these new trees bear harvestable fruit. 

So, as long as the growth of the palm oil industry remains so important to 
Indonesia's growth, it seems extremely unlikely that the government will seek 
to rein it for environmental reasons. Since its inception, the RSPO has claimed 
to offer a way out of the growth versus environment dilemma by emphasizing the 
possibility of developing sustainable palm oil, which does not destroy precious 
ecosystems or stir up social conflict. 

However, after documenting evidence of the renewed destruction of tropical 
forests and peat lands by operations such as Indonesian conglomerate Sinar Mas 
by RSPO members on its recent trip, Greenpeace has argued that the RSPO is 
failing in its mission. 

"'Sustainable palm oil' continues to be a farce while RSPO stands exposed as a 
weak and ineffectual industry body." said Bustar Maitar, Greenpeace's Southeast 
Asia forest campaigner. "The rapid loss of forests in Indonesia and the current 
climate crisis needs strong leadership from the global business community. 
However the RSPO has failed dismally to take up the challenge." 

While the first shipment of officially-vetted sustainable palm oil made its way 
from Malaysia to the UK earlier this month, most RSPO members - including those 
criticized by Greenpeace - are still to have their plantations certified. Until 
that happens, the RSPO will not be required to pass judgment on the methods 
employed by companies such as Sinar Mas and Duta Palma, which have come under 
question from environmental groups. 

Despite their strongly-worded criticism of the industry, environmental 
campaigners claim that it is possible to produce sustainable palm oil and meet 
consumer demand by focusing on improving existing crop yields, rather than 
clearing forest for new plantations. 

However, while demand for products containing palm oil continues to rise, it 
appears highly unlikely that developing economies such as Indonesia and 
Malaysia will feel they have the luxury of holding back on expansion. Some in 
Europe and America may be willing to pay over the odds to buy products made 
from sustainable palm oil but it is doubtful that less well-off consumers in 
India and China - which are the world's biggest importers of palm oil - will be 
so happy to do so. 

And, so long as consumers do not insist that their palm oil comes from 
sustainable sources, Indonesia and Malaysia will continue deforestation to meet 
demand and drive their economies forward. The fear voiced by environmentalists 
is that by the time consumers eventually become concerned about the damage to 
the climate wrought by this expansion, it may well be too late to do anything 
about it. 

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