
                  Supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi have 
planned a massive rally in Tehran later on Saturday. 
            Iran warns opposition against staging street rally 
            Published: June 20, 2009, 13:25

            Tehran: Iran's opposition leader received another stern warning on 
Saturday not to encourage his supporters to take to the streets a day after the 
country's top leader sought to end the deepening election crisis by effectively 
declaring President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad the winner. 

            Supporters of opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi have planned a 
massive rally in Tehran later on Saturday, but it was unclear if he would 
attend and how large the rally would be after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali 
Khamenei ordered opposition leaders on Friday to end street protests or be held 
responsible for any "bloodshed and chaos" to come. 



            Iran's Interior Ministry reiterated the warning to Mousavi on 
Saturday, saying he would "be held responsible for the consequences of any 
illegal gatherings." The ministry also accused the 67-year-old former prime 
minister of supporting protests that "have lead to the disruption of security 
and public order," State Security Council secretary, Abbas Mohtaj, said in a 
statement on the ministry's website. 

            The warnings place Mousavi at a pivotal moment. He can either back 
down or risk a crushing response from police and the forces at Khamenei's 
disposal - the powerful Revolutionary Guard and their volunteer citizen 
militia, the basij. 

            There also are questions about Mousavi's ability to control his own 
followers, many who are waiting for a clear response to Khamenei's edict on 
Friday before Saturday's planned rally.

            Mousavi, who accuses the government of widespread voter fraud in 
the June 12 election, and the two other candidates who ran against Ahmadinejad 
were to meet with Iran's Guardian Council on Saturday. The council, an 
unelected body of 12 clerics and Islamic law experts close to Khamenei, 
investigates voter fraud claims. 

            The council has said it was prepared to conduct a limited recount 
of ballots at sites where candidates claim irregularities. It not clear, 
however, if they have initiated any investigations. 

            It also was unclear if the planned rally on Saturday would take 
place, and if so, how many people would attend. Hundreds of thousands of 
Mousavi supporters have flooded Tehran streets during several massive marches 
earlier this week that recall the scale of protests during the 1979 Islamic 

            In a first sign of possible resistance to Khamenei's orders came 
shortly after nightfall in Tehran Friday. Cries of "Death to the dictator!" and 
"Allahu akbar" - "God is great" - rang from rooftops in what's become a nightly 
ritual of opposition unity. 

            Since the June 12 election, Mousavi has become the figurehead for a 
broad collection of demonstrators - from the most liberal-leaning reformists to 
religious conservatives. Some could be prepared to take their protests to the 
limit, but many others have no interest in an all-out mutiny against the 
country's Islamic system. 

            Khamenei was blunt Friday about what a wider fight would bring - 
warning those who "want to ignore the law or break the law" will face the 

            Police clashed with protesters in running battles around Tehran 
immediately after the election and the basij militia had a reported role in 
attacks at the university. Gunfire from a basij compound in Tehran also left at 
least seven people dead on Monday. 

            But the full force of the police and Revolutionary Guard has 
remained in check. And this was Khamenei's implicit message since the Guard and 
the vast volunteer militia force it controls is under direct command of the 
ruling clerics 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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