Saturday, June 20, 2009 
22:37 Mecca time, 19:37 GMT 

         Police crack down on Iran protests 
            Planned demonstration in Tehran is met with tear gas, water cannon 
and batons.  
                 Q&A: Tweeting from Tehran  
                 Video: Iran election divides clergy  
                 Video: Iran blamed for Iraq chaos  
                 Khamenei's speech 'a threat'  
                 Iran's Ayatollah under threat?  
                 Video: Iran's power struggle  
                 Video: Iran's 'citizen journalists'  

      Police crack down on Iran protests 
                  Protesters fought back with stones and set fires 
                  in the streets of the capital, Tehran [AFP] 

      Riot police in Iran have used tear gas, water cannon and batons to 
disperse about 3,000 people attempting to protest over the disputed 
presidential election of Mahmoud Ahmdinejad, the president.

      Witnesses said that dozens of people were hospitalised after being beaten 
by police and pro-government militia in the capital, Tehran, on Saturday.

      "Lots of guards on motorbikes closed in on us and beat us brutally," one 
protester said.

      "As we were running away the Basiji [militia] were waiting in side alleys 
with batons, but people opened their doors to us trapped in alleys."

      Supporters of Mir Hossein Mousavi, a defeated reformist candidate, had 
planned to stage a rally in the city's Revolutionary Square, but arrived to 
find their way blocked by police. 

      A witness told Al Jazeera that police were turning people away.
      "The roads were pretty much blocked by the militia, they were out with 
retractable metal batons. It looked like they were very frantically trying to 
keep people from the area," he said.

      Protests 'quelled'

      Amateur video of Saturday's protests, which could not be independently 
verified, showed dozens of Iranians running down a street after police fired 
tear gas. 

      Other footage showed protesters trying to give first aid to a badly 
injured woman in the street.

            In depth 

             Video: Iran supreme leader in 'power struggle'
             Video: Iran's 'citizen journalists'
             Video: Iran steps up net censorship
             Video: Iranians go online to evade curbs
             Video: The struggle for power
             Video: Rival protests continue in Iran
             Video: Iranians rally in Europe

             Iran's Ayatollah under threat?
             Mousavi sees election hopes dashed
             Iran writer on poll result
             Mousavi's letter to the people
             Iran poll result 'harms US hopes'
             West concerned by Iran fraud claims
             What next for Iran?
             The Iranian political system
             Riz Khan: Iran's disputed election
             Inside Story: Iran election recount
             Inside Story: Iran's political future

             Your media: submit your clips of the protests to Al Jazeera 
      The protesters apparently threw stones at the police and set fires in the 

      Al Jazeera's Alireza Ronaghi, reporting from Tehran, said that the 
protests had largely been quelled by Saturday evening.

      "The presence of security forces were very high, they definitely wanted 
to take back the streets of Tehran ... right now I don't expect that many 
protesters are concentrated anywhere in Tehran," he said.

      He said that state television had quoted the head of Iran's police force 
as thanking the Iranian people for not taking to the streets and taking the 
police warnings seriously.

      As the clashes took place, a suspected suicide bomber blew himself up 
outside the shrine of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic 
revolution in 1979, injuring at least two people, local news agencies reported. 

      As night fell, the protesters kept up their show of defiance shouting 
"Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) from the rooftops, a deliberate echo of a move 
made during the Islamic revolution in 1979.

      Barack Obama, the US president, condemned the violence and urged Tehran 
to allow Mousavi's supporters to stage peaceful protests.

      "The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching," he 

      "We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the 
Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own 

      'Ready for martydom'

      In a statement posted on the website of his Kalemeh newspaper, Mousavi 
repeated his demand for the elections results to be annulled and hit out at a 
speech by Ayatollah Khameini, Iran's supreme leader.

      "If this huge volume of cheating and changing the votes ... which has 
hurt people's trust, is presented as the very evidence of the lack of cheating, 
then it will butcher the republican aspect of the system and the idea that 
Islam is incompatible with a republic will be proven," he said.

      In a sermon on Friday, Khamenei ruled out any fraud in the June 12 vote 
and stressed there could be no doubting the re-election of Ahamdinejad.

      An unnamed ally of Mousavi told the Reuters news agency that the former 
prime minister has said he would continue his fight and was "ready for 

      Earlier on Saturday, Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, another defeated 
presidential candidate had declined to meet the Guardian Council, Iran's 
highest legislative body, concerning 646 complaints of voting irregularities in 
the poll.

      State television quoted a council spokesman as saying that the Guardian 
Council had expressed its readiness to "randomly" recount up to 10 per cent of 
the ballots.

      The contested result gave President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a tally of about 
63 per cent, to Mousavi's 34 per cent

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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