Monday, June 22, 2009 
20:24 Mecca time, 17:24 GMT 

      Sarkozy says burqas 'not welcome' 
                  Nearly 60 legislators have proposed a parliamentary 
commission to look into the spread of the burqa [AFP] 
      Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president, has said that the burqa, a garment 
worn by many Muslim women, has no place in France as it was a sign of the 
subjugation of women.

      The burqa is a garment that covers women from head to toe and hides their 

      During a speech to a joint session of both houses of parliament on 
Monday, held at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, Sarkozy backed an initiative 
launched by legislators last week who expressed concern over an increase in the 
use of burqas in France.

      "The issue of the burqa is not a religious issue, it is a question of 
freedom and of women's dignity," he said.

      "The burqa is not a religious sign, it is a sign of the subjugation, of 
the submission of women. I want to say solemnly that it will not be welcome on 
our territory."

      Referring to a cross-party initiative by nearly 60 legislators, who 
proposed a parliamentary commission to look into the spread of the burqa and 
find ways to combat the trend, Sarkozy said it was the right way to proceed.

      "A debate has to take place and all views must be expressed. What better 
place than parliament for this? I tell you, we must not be ashamed of our 
values, we must not be afraid of defending them," he said.

      Headscarf controversy

      The debate about the burqa is reminiscent of a controversy that raged for 
a decade in France about Muslim girls wearing headscarves in class.

      Eventually, a law was passed in 2004 banning pupils from wearing 
conspicuous signs of their religion at state schools.

      Critics say the law stigmatised Muslims at a time when France should have 
been fighting discrimination in the job and housing markets.

      Sarkozy's comments, which were part of a major policy address, came in 
the first speech in 136 years to a joint session of France's parliament.

      It follows a constitutional amendment narrowly passed last year to make 
such a speech to both houses possible.

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