Microsoft Expands Office Anti-Piracy Program

Microsoft expanded its anti-piracy program this week, shipping a new software 
update that checks whether Office users are running a licensed or pirated 
version of the productivity suite. 

Windows users who have Automatic Updates turned on probably have by now noticed 
at least one new update available from Redmond. The patch represents the next 
phase of the Office Genuine Advantage (OGA) anti-piracy pilot program Microsoft 
launched last year. Microsoft says the update is being gradually rolled out to 
different countries, so the update will not be available to everyone at the 
same time.

The program checks against Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007 

Even users who have Automatic Updates set to download and install patches for 
them will need to approve a license agreement before the OGA patch will fully 
install. That's a good thing, too, because according to Microsoft, this patch 
cannot be removed once it is installed. Also, there is no option to temporarily 
stop the nag messages, should a system fail the anti-piracy test.

If the validation program thinks an installation of one of these titles is not 
legit, it will display a message saying:

  This copy of Microsoft Office is not genuine. 

  Please excuse this interruption. This copy of Microsoft Office did not pass 
validation. Click Learn More for details and for help identifying the best way 
to get genuine Microsoft Office.

In addition, the OGA checker will add a toolbar with a similar message to 
Office XP and Office 2003 versions that are detected as unlicensed, and a 
ribbon with an alert to that effect on Office 2007 systems. 

My installation of Windows Vista also let me know about another non-security 
related update: Microsoft says this update changes the Windows time zone data 
to accommodate daylight saving time (DST) changes in several countries.

By Brian Krebs  |  August 26, 2009; 10:22 AM ET
Categories:  From the Bunker , Latest Warnings , New Patches , Piracy  | Tags: 
office genuine advantage oga anti-piracy 
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The black hats out there are no doubt putting together a "patch" that will 
eliminate OGA. Of course, in exchange for this favor, you will receive a 
package of Trojans, backdoors, and other malicious software. As OGA is killed, 
the real payload will install behind your back.

At some point, I can see OGA being upgraded by Microsoft to "Office Genuine 
Removal and Enforcement" or O.G.R.E. If OGRE detects an unauthorized Office 
installation, the pirated copy is removed and a special registry key added to 
prevent reinstallation. 

Posted by: taskforceken | August 26, 2009 3:56 PM | Report abuse 

Why on earth would anyone install this or WGA? This is exactly why I approve 
all updates manually. It doesn't take long, and I unchecked this one and 
checked "Don't remind me again" hours ago, before I had a chance to be 

Posted by: MaxH | August 26, 2009 4:30 PM | Report abuse 

I also do a custom installation of ALL updates, least WGA or now this new OGA 
get downloaded by accident.

Again, my machine came with a genuine version of Windows XP Home and one of my 
employers installed 'their' corporate edition of XP Pro.

Then along came WGA and back then I was automatically downloading AND 
installing updates. Microsoft advised me after I called about my 'less than 
genuine' copy of XP Pro that apparently the employer had either over-installed 
the product, or some had copied it and the copies had been installed on a 
clearly excessive number of machines. I had allegedly 2 choices, namely pay up 
for a 'genuine certification' or remove XP Pro and do a complete reinstall of 
EVERYTHING. The third option of system restore [that wasn't mentioned] 
fortunately removed WGA.

My updates this morning were supposedly only 2 and neither indicated anything 
to do with genuine anything. I would simply go ahead and pay Microsoft the $160 
[or whatever it was] but at some point I will probably have to purchase a 
genuine copy of Windows 7, along with a new machine to run it on.

After reading all the comments about Apple vs. Microsoft, including those of IT 
Pros that work with Windows, Linus, etc. all day long, but who enjoy the ease 
of having an Apple to go home to, I guess that could be a possibility, as is 
Ubuntu 9.04, but for some reason the copy that I downloaded of the Ubuntu Web 
site would not install correctly, so for now its XP Pro.

Posted by: | August 26, 2009 6:38 PM | Report abuse 


Obviously I meant Linux, not Linus above.

Posted by: | August 26, 2009 6:39 PM | Report abuse 

Using Microsoft's stuff is a matter of free choice. Alternatives are available. 
Microsoft's legitimate customers, who paid for the advantage that Microsoft's 
quality software gave them, have seen that advantage eroded by pirates enjoying 
the same quality for free. Piracy of Microsoft Office has also robbed the 
free-of-charge of the mindshare that fuels its plodding 
improvement and slowly-growing acceptance. Thus, while the public should 
applaud the restoration of a fair market, it is not clear that Microsoft will 
put a bite behind the bark. 

Posted by: amturnip | August 26, 2009 6:47 PM | Report abuse 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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