September 23, 2009 | 1744 GMT

The Death of a Top Indonesian Militant

By Scott Stewart

On Saturday, Sept. 19, the Indonesian National Police announced that a DNA test 
has positively identified a man killed Sept. 17 as Noordin Mohammad Top. Top 
was killed in a raid on a safe-house in the outskirts of Solo, Central Java, 
that resulted in a prolonged firefight between Indonesian authorities and 
militants. Police said four militants were killed in the incident and three 
more were taken into custody. (Two of them were arrested before the raid.) 
Authorities also recovered a large quantity of explosives during the raid that 
they believe the militant group was preparing to use in an attack on Indonesian 
President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.

Indonesian National Police had reported Sept. 17 that the dead man's 
fingerprints matched Top's. But given several inaccurate reports of Top's 
demise in the past, combined with reports that the body believed to be Top's 
was headless - perhaps due to the explosion of a suicide belt - most observers 
were waiting for DNA confirmation before removing Top's name from the pinnacle 
of the organizational chart of Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad. 

Now that Top's name officially has been scratched off the list, big questions 
emerge: Can Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad continue without him? Can the group be 
effective as a militant organization? And who will step up to fill the void 
left by Top? 

The Importance of Leadership
All three of these questions touch on the issue of leadership. Without 
leadership, militant groups wither and/or disintegrate. Without skilled 
leadership, militant groups lose their ability to conduct effective attacks. 
Quite simply, leadership, skill and professionalism make the difference between 
a militant group wanting to attack something - i.e., possessing intent - and 
the group's ability to successfully carry out its intended attack - i.e., its 

Although on the surface it might seem like a simple task to find a leader for a 
militant group, in practice, effective militant leaders are hard to come by. 
This is because militant leadership requires a rather broad skill set. In 
addition to personal attributes such as ruthlessness, aggressiveness and 
fearlessness, militant leaders also must be charismatic, intuitive, clever and 
inspiring. This last attribute is especially important in an organization that 
seeks to recruit operatives to conduct suicide attacks. Additionally, an 
effective militant leader must be able to recruit and train operatives, enforce 
operational security, raise funds, plan operations, and then methodically 
execute the plan while avoiding the security forces constantly hunting the 
militants down. 

The importance of leadership to a militant organization has been wonderfully 
illustrated by the trajectory of al Qaeda's franchise in Saudi Arabia. Under 
the leadership of Abdel Aziz al-Muqrin the Saudi al Qaeda franchise was 
extremely busy in 2003 and 2004. It carried out a number of high-profile 
attacks inside the kingdom and put everyone from the Saudi monarchy to 
multinational oil companies in a general state of panic. With bombings, 
ambushes and beheadings, it seemed as if Saudi Arabia was on its way to 
becoming the next Iraq. Following the June 2004 death of al-Muqrin, however, 
the organization began to flounder. The succession of leaders appointed to 
replace al-Muqrin lacked his operational savvy, and each one proved ineffective 
at best. (Saudi security forces quickly killed several of them.) Following the 
February 2006 attack against the oil facility at Abqaiq, the group atrophied 
even further, succeeding in carrying out one more attack, an amateurish 
small-arms assault in February 2007 against a group of French tourists.

The disorganized remaining jihadist militants in Saudi Arabia ultimately grew 
frustrated at their inability to operate on their own. Many of them traveled to 
places like Iraq or Pakistan to train and fight. In January 2009, many of the 
militants who remained in the Arabian Peninsula joined with al Qaeda's 
franchise in Yemen to form a new group called al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula 
(AQAP) under the leadership of Nasir al-Wahayshi, the leader of al Qaeda in 
Yemen who served under Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan before being arrested in 
Iran. Al-Wahayshi was returned to Yemen in 2003 through an extradition deal 
between the Yemeni and Iranian governments and subsequently escaped from a 
high-security prison outside Sanaa in 2006.

Al Qaeda in Yemen's operational capability improved under al-Wahayshi's 
leadership, and its operational tempo increased (even though those operations 
were not terribly effective.) In the wake of this momentum, it is not 
surprising that the frustrated members of the all-but-defunct Saudi franchise 
agreed to swear loyalty to him. The first real fruit of this merger was seen 
inside Saudi Arabia in the Aug. 28 attempted assassination of Saudi Deputy 
Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef. That the plot had to be planned 
and launched from Yemen reveals AQAP's weakness inside the kingdom, and the 
plot's failure demonstrates that, overall, AQAP is far from an effective 

Like the Saudi node, the fortunes of other al Qaeda regional franchises have 
risen or fallen based upon the ability of the franchise's leadership. For 
example, in August 2006 al Qaeda announced with great fanfare that a splinter 
of the Egyptian jihadist group Gamaah al-Islamiyah had become al Qaeda's 
franchise in Egypt. Likewise, in November 2007 al Qaeda announced that the 
Libyan Islamic Fighting group (LIFG) had joined its constellation of regional 

But neither of these new franchise groups ever really got off the ground. While 
a great degree of the groups' lack of success may have resulted from the 
oppressive natures of the Egyptian and Libyan governments - and the aggressive 
efforts those governments undertook to control the new al Qaeda franchises 
following the announcements of their creation - we believe the groups' near 
total lack of success also stems in large part from the lack of dynamic 
leadership. Recently, LIFG leaders have issued statements speaking out against 
al Qaeda's operational principles and general methodology.

Dynamic leaders are indeed hard to find. Even though Indonesia has an estimated 
population of more than 240 million, Top - considered the most dangerous and 
most wanted man in Indonesia before his death - hailed from Malaysia, not 
Indonesia. He was an outsider like the Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who 
brought al Qaeda in Iraq into the global spotlight.

Of course, not every leadership change is disastrous to a militant group. 
Sometimes a new leader breathes new life and energy into a group (like 
al-Wahayshi in Yemen), or the group has competent lieutenants able to continue 
to operate effectively after the death of the leader (like al Qaeda in Iraq 
after the death of al-Zarqawi). Top's replacement, and how the leadership 
transition affects the group, must therefore be closely monitored. 

Topping Top
Top was an accomplished operational commander. He was responsible for a number 
of terrorist attacks in Indonesia, including the 2002 and 2005 Bali bombings, 
the 2003 JW Marriott bombing in Jakarta, the 2004 attack on the Australian 
Embassy in Jakarta, and most recently, the July 17 bombings of the JW Marriott 
and the Ritz-Carlton in Jakarta.

Because of these attacks, Top and his militant colleagues were under extreme 
pressure from the Indonesian authorities, who were aided by the Australian and 
American intelligence services. Many of Top's closest associates, like Ridhwan 
Isam al-Deen al-Hanbali and Azahari bin Husin, were arrested or killed, and 
operations launched by Indonesian authorities thwarted several of the group's 
planned attacks between 2005 and 2009.

But external pressure was not the only challenge facing Top. He was also forced 
to deal with mounting ideological opposition to high-profile terror attacks 
from within Jemaah Islamiyah itself, a difference of opinion that led to Top's 
split with Jemaah Islamiyah and his decision to form the new group Tanzim 
Qaedat al-Jihad in early 2006. 

Yet in spite of all this external and internal pressure, Top was still able to 
recruit new operatives, secure funding and maintain tight operational security. 
Top's penchant for security even sparked rumors that he had some sort of 
mystical protection, rumors fanned by the many false reports of his capture or 
death. The ability to operate under such trying circumstances is the mark of a 
seasoned leader.

In a further challenge to Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad, two of Top's key lieutenants 
also died in the Sept. 17 operation. These were Maruto Jati Sulistyo, thought 
to have been one of Top's main bombmakers; and Bagus Budi Pranoto, who had 
previously served a three-and-one-half-year prison sentence for hiding Top and 
Azahari. (Pranoto, aka Urwah, was thought to have been a polished recruiter.)

Despite the deaths of Maruto and Pranoto, there are a number of potential 
successors to Top. Among these are Reno, aka Teddy, the reported deputy of 
Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad; Saifuddin Jaelani, who reportedly recruited the suicide 
bombers responsible for the July hotel attacks in Jakarta; and Jaleni's 
brother, Muhammad Syahrir. Of course, someone outside Top's immediate circle 
could take up the fallen militant leader's mantle. Scores of Jemmah Islamiyah 
militants have been released from prison in recent years, and several skilled 
militants like Dulmatin and Umar Patek, who have fled to the Philippines, could 
return. And senior Jemmah Islamiyah militants like Zulkarnaen, who enjoy 
respect within the group, also remain at large.

No matter who replaces Top, the follow-on investigation to the operation that 
resulted in the death of Top will surely prove challenging to the future 
leadership of Tanzim Qaedat al-Jihad. Operations like the one that resulted in 
Top's death offer not only the opportunity for capturing or killing militants 
but also the potential for a huge harvest of intelligence. Indonesian 
authorities (aided by their allies) are surely attempting to exploit any 
information gained in the raid in an effort to locate other operatives, 
safe-houses and weapons caches. Indeed, Top himself was found due to 
intelligence gathered from the arrest of an associate named Rohmat on the same 
day as the raid in which Top died. Because of this intelligence windfall, we 
can anticipate a string of raids by the Indonesian government in the following 
days and weeks. 

And while Top was able to weather such operations in the past, now that he is 
gone, it remains to be seen if his replacement is capable of withstanding the 
pressure and keeping the group together and operationally effective.

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