Asslamu'alaikum wrwb.

Diantara umat ALLAH, yaitu umat Islam dan umat Kristen, ternyata umat Kristen 
lebih mematuhi perintah2 ALLAH dalam bermasarakat, sehingga mereka dapat 
menikmati pemberian2 ALLAH di bumi ini dengan baik.

Sedangkan umat Islam kita, sering terjadi KONFLIK sesama muslim, karena TIDAK 
mematuhi perintah2 ALLAH dalam bermasarakat, sehingga umat Islam kacau-balau 
atau tidak aman dan damai.

Kalau dalam keluarag tidak terdapat kedamaian, maka ekonomi yang sejahtera 
tidak bisa di ujudkan....tetap terbelakang dan masih saling bunuh membunuh 
sesama saudara sendiri.

Inilah perintah ALLAH yang membuat umat Kristen lebih damai dari Islam;

ALLAH berfirman kepada Nabi Isa;

"Do not judge your brother’s faith, you will be not judged.  For with what 
judgment you judge, with the same measure, it will be measured back to you.  
Why do you judge your brother’s faith? Who do you think you are to judge other, 
We all stand before God’s judgment hereafter. God made laws, and only God can 
judge people’s faith.   If you act like wild animal, banning, hurting, harming 
and biting, watch out, then one another will destroy one completely.  If
you hates your brothers, you are in darkness, walk in darkness, do not
know where are going, because the darkness has blinded your eyes…and
then you will fall into misery.   So, do not judge someone, you will be not 
judged, love each other, and Respect differences and respect each other. Life 
is lovely, and wonderful."
Saya mengajak para pembaca budiman untuk menyebar luaskan peraturan2 ALLAH ini 
kpd usztad2 dan ulama2 Islam, semoga kita umat Islam dapat hidp damai dlm 


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