March 04, 2010 

A woman shows a female condom during the 9th International Conference Aids Asia 
Pacific (ICAAP) in Nusa Dua, Bali, last year. (JG Photo)

East Java Prostitutes Complain That Female Condoms Aren't 'User-Friendly'

The Health Office and Municipal AIDS Prevention Commission of Blitar 
distributed around 1900 packages of free female condoms to 200 pimps in three 
brothel centers in the East Java town. However, prostitutes refused to wear the 
condoms, saying that they were not user-friendly and their clients complained 
that it reduced sensation. 

Madame Endah, 40, from Tanggul brothel said that her girls went through a lot 
of trouble using the condom.

"Many are complaining that the condoms are uncomfortable," Endah told

A prostitute named Nia, 22, said one of her clients had complained.

"It's hard to use and my clients protest because it doesn't feel comfortable," 
she said.

Hari Purwanto, the head of the Blitar Disease and Environment Health Office, 
said that the complaints were most likely because female condoms were still 
considered a novelty.

"But it's only the beginning. When they're used to it and understand the 
importance of maintaining their health, then they'll get the idea," Hari said. 
The Health Office planned to conduct the second stage of campaigning by going 
to the brothels to give training on how to use the condoms.

"It's only a matter of habit, the pimps and prostitutes only need time to get 
used to it," said Adi Purwadi, the coordination assistant at the Health Office.

The English-made female rubber condoms takes the shape of a cylinder with a 
diameter of 5 to 7 cm. They are 20 cm long and rubber rings are attached on 
both ends. 

"Complaints probably occurred because the sensation caused by the rubber rings 
is different," Adi said.

The female condom is an alternative to contraception and HIV/AIDS prevention 
because some customers at the brothels had refused to use condoms.

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