YES, sekiranya element2 bangsa yang cinta hidup yang damai-sejahtera-bahagia 
dapat bersatu melawan harus kemajuan yang telah dicapai oleh gol2 Islam 
Fundamentalis di beberapa daerah,kota,partai2, mesdjid2, sekolah2 dan Milist2 
Islam dll.

NKRI akan terpecah belah, seperti negara Pakistan dan Afganistan,dimana 
mula2nya pemerintah memberikan fasilitas2 untuk bergerak maju. Kalau sudah 
merasa besar dan kuat mereka akan menyerang pemerintahan itu sendiri sampai di 

Saksikanlah Vedio yang di buat oleh seorang ahli dari England.

Filmmaker Frank Smith travelled with Rageh Omaar across Indonesia to see a 
struggle between two very different visions of the country's future.

Indonesia is a country with over 200 million followers of Islam - A nation 
renowned for its ability to combine its many different traditional beliefs with 
those of the Muslim faith.

During the last 10 years it has seen the birth of democracy, and with that has 
come a fight – its modern liberal thinking versus a dawn of stricter adherence 
to faith and a politicised and publicly vocal Islam aware of the perceived 
injustices against fellow Muslims over the world.

For 32 years the strongman Suharto ruled the country. His iron-fisted secular 
polices forced many Islamic groups to operate underground.

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