Golongan2 Islam Konservative Radikal kalau berkuasa memeprlihatkan
image Islam yang keras,kasar, brutal dan primitif.
Di abda 21 ini masakah masih ada hukuman primitif-brutality...
Semoga bangsa Indoneaia tidak jatuh ketangan golongan2 Islam
teror atau fundamentalis amien


An Iranian woman sentenced to death by stoning for allegedly committing 
adultery has reportedly appeared on state television to "confess" her crime.

In an interview broadcast Wednesday night, a woman identified as Sakineh 
Mohammadi Ashtiani admitted to conspiring to murder her husband with the man's 
cousin, with whom she had been having an affair.

The Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting channel blurred the woman's face and 
dubbed her words from Azeri Turkish into Persian, so it was impossible to tell 
if the woman was actually Ashtiani, a 43-year-old mother of two, or what 
condition she was in.

But Houtan Kian, a lawyer currently representing Ashtiani in Iran, told the 
Guardian newspaperthat she was "severely beaten up and tortured until she 
accepted to appear in front of camera".

Kian said he feared that the judiciary would now act quickly to carry out 
Ashtiani's death sentence.

Al Jazeera's Nazanine Moshiri, reporting from Tehran, said that a source close 
to Iran's judiciary said that Ashtiani will "probably not be executed during 
Ramadan" - which lasts until September 9 - and that there is a "small 
possibility" her execution will be revoked.

But her case must still be heard by the country's supreme court, our reporter 

'Toxic propaganda'

Amnesty International, which has protested against Ashtiani's impending 
stoning, said the broadcast"shows nothing more than the lack of evidence" 
against her, while the International Committee Against Stoning called the 
interview "toxic propaganda".

According to the Reuters news agency, Ashtiani offered details about how she 
and her husband's cousin conspired.

"If the judiciary in Iran is to be taken seriously, this 'confession' needs to 
be disregarded and assurances given that it will not affect the review of her 

Hassiba Hadj Sharoui,
Amnesty International

"He told me: 'Let's kill your husband'. I totally could not believe that my 
husband would be killed. I thought he was joking", Ashtiani said. "Later, I 
found out that killing was his profession."

She continued: "He came [to our house] and brought all the stuff. He brought 
electrical devices, plus wire and gloves. Later, he killed my husband by 
connecting him to the electricity".

Ashtiani's previous lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaie, fled Iran this month after 
Iranian officials issued an arrest warrant for him. He is currently in Norway, 
while his wife remains in Iran and has been detained.

Ashtiani criticised Mostafaie in the broadcast.

"Why did you publicise my case? Why did you harm my reputation and dignity? Not 
all of my relatives and family members knew that I am in prison. Why did you do 
this to me?" she said.

Hassiba Hadj Sahroui, Amnesty International's deputy director for the Middle 
East and North Africa, said in a statement that the broadcast calls into 
question the independence of Iran's judiciary.

"If the judiciary in Iran is to be taken seriously, this 'confession' needs to 
be disregarded and assurances given that it will not affect the review of her 
case", she said.

International outrage

The purported confession comes after Ashtiani's death sentence - imposed four 
years ago - was suspended last month, pending a judicial review.

Ashtiani's children, along with human rights groups including Avaaz, Amnesty 
International and Human Rights Watch, have voiced outrageover the stoning, and 
Brazil said it would give Ashtiani asylum- an offer that Iran turned down.

Ashtiani's case has affected Iran's already turbulent international relations.

Hillary Clinton, the US secretary of state, has said the United States is 
"troubled" by it,and Iran's rejection of Brazil's asylum offer may have played 
a rolein Brazil's decision to sign a decree supporting United Nations sanctions 
against the Islamic Republic.

Ashtiani's case dates back to 2006, when she was given 99 lashes after pleading 
guilty to the crime of having an "illicit relationship" with two men. 

An inquiry into whether Ashtiani had in fact committed "adultery while married" 
was opened later that year, as the government pursued the prosecution of one of 
the two men for allegedly also being involved in Ashtiani's husband's murder.

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