Dear Chandan,

Sure, the electrons interact with the electric field, and hence the Wannier functions shift. In other words, the field breaks the symmetry the pins the centers of the WFs to the atoms.  There is not option to fix the center precisely.

However, It is suspicious that the spread changes too much? If you start gradually increasing the field, do the spreads change continuously, or is there a jump. If there is a jump, then probalby there is some issue with wannierization, e.g. windows need to be adjusted.



On 14.12.20 05:59, Chandan Singh wrote:

Dear Wannier90 users and developers,

Recently I did a Wannier90 calculation for the 2D material under the applied electric field along z-direction using atom centered Wannier function (WF) to interpolate the DFT band structure correctly. I observe some of the WFs shifted from the initial position and have a larger spread. The total spread of WFs is nearly double with respect to without electric field calculation.
I have some queries related to this topic.

1. Can the center of Wannier function shift under the electric field?

2. Is it possible to fix the center of Wannier function in Wannier90 calculations?

Chandan Singh
PhD Student
Department of Physics
IISER Pune, India

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