Hi Wannier90 developers and Users,
As you know vasp2wannier90  doesn't generate the *wannier90.uHu* file. For
this i used wannierBerri code to generate it from wannier90.mmn,
wannier90.amn files. Using the *wannierberri.mmn2uHu*  module, I
successfully generated the w*annier90.uHu* file using the command-line *python3
-m wannierberri.mmn2uHu wannier90  formatted=uHu*. But  when I use this
file in postwannier90 to calculate orbital magnetization, it gives an error
like that: *wannier90.uHu has not the right number of bands*.
Let me mention that the number bands in my wannier90.eign file is 256. In
my wannier90.win file: *num_bands =  256* and *num_wann =   188*.  The
generated wannier90.uHu via wannierBerri also has 256 bands. Then why this
error is happening. I don't know how to resolve it.
Please help me in this regard.
Best Reds

[image: pic.jpg]
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