Hello Wannier90 Community,

I am trying to compute site symmetric ab initio Tight-Binding models using the 
site_symmetry=TRUE flag in <seedname>.win. I have followed the online tutorials 
(2020_03_Oxford/2c_symmetry_adapted) and am able to replicate results for H3S, 
GaAs and extend the results to the zincblende phase of SiC using an 8 band sp3 
initial projection. However, when I try to modify the system even a little, I 
get either strange results or error messages.

The example systems I consider here are for a 2 atom unit cell zincblende SiC, 
a 4 atom unit cell (1x1x2 supecell) zincblende SiC, and a 4 atom unit cell 2H 

Since the 2 atom zincblende converges as expected, I had assumed the 4 atom 
doubled unit cell would produce similar results and converge, since it is 
merely zone folded in k-space. This system does converge, but gives Wannier 
function centers that are not atom centered. I suspect this has something to do 
with QE not identifying glide/screw g={t|R} symmetries in systems with pure 
fractional translation g={t|1} (i.e., supercells). This can be noted in the QE 
output, where the 2 atom ZB unit cell has 24 symmetries, whereas the 4 atom ZB 
unit cell has 6.

The case for 2H (wurtzite) is even worse. I cannot get the system to converge 
for an sp3 projection, with the error suggesting something wrong with the 
initial projection. I find this strange since the orbital character of the 
states for all three systems specified should be nearly identical.

Attached are the shell scripts that can be run to reproduce the calculations 

Summary of results
      Example for 3C SiC
            (Note: this example worked as expected)
             Final State
              WF centre and spread    1  (  0.000000,  0.000000,  0.000000 )    
              WF centre and spread    2  (  0.000000,  0.000000,  0.000000 )    
              WF centre and spread    3  (  0.000000,  0.000000, -0.000001 )    
              WF centre and spread    4  ( -0.000000,  0.000002, -0.000000 )    
              WF centre and spread    5  (  1.095076,  1.095076,  1.095076 )    
              WF centre and spread    6  (  1.095076,  1.095076,  1.095076 )    
              WF centre and spread    7  (  1.095076,  1.095076,  1.095076 )    
              WF centre and spread    8  (  1.095076,  1.095076,  1.095076 )    
              Sum of centres and spreads (  4.380305,  4.380306,  4.380303 )    
            where the coordinates match those specified in the projection block 
and should be the positions of atoms in the unit cell...
            (Viewable in many places, but most easily near the top of *.wout)

             |   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate 
(Ang)     |
             | Si   1  -0.00000  -0.00000  -0.00000   |   -0.00000  -0.00000  
-0.00000    |
             | C    1   0.25000   0.25000   0.25000   |    1.09508   1.09508   
1.09508    |
      Example for 1x1x2 supercell of 3C-SiC (4 atom unit cell for ZB made by 
adding R000+R001 unit cells together)
            (Note: This example "ran" and "converged" but the results are 
               Final State
              WF centre and spread    1  (  0.483907,  0.483907, -0.483907 )    
              WF centre and spread    2  (  0.564237, -0.379955,  0.379955 )    
              WF centre and spread    3  ( -0.379955,  0.564237,  0.379955 )    
              WF centre and spread    4  ( -0.379955, -0.379955, -0.564238 )    
              WF centre and spread    5  (  0.817993,  0.817993,  1.372159 )    
              WF centre and spread    6  (  1.468481,  1.101956,  1.088195 )    
              WF centre and spread    7  (  1.101956,  1.468481,  1.088195 )    
              WF centre and spread    8  (  1.101956,  1.101956,  0.721671 )    
              WF centre and spread    9  (  2.674063,  2.674064, -0.483912 )    
              WF centre and spread   10  (  2.754390,  1.810196,  0.379955 )    
              WF centre and spread   11  (  1.810196,  2.754390,  0.379956 )    
              WF centre and spread   12  (  1.810196,  1.810196, -0.564238 )    
              WF centre and spread   13  (  3.008153,  3.008152,  1.372150 )    
              WF centre and spread   14  (  3.658659,  3.292089,  1.088214 )    
              WF centre and spread   15  (  3.292089,  3.658659,  1.088214 )    
              WF centre and spread   16  (  3.292090,  3.292089,  0.721644 )    
              Sum of centres and spreads ( 27.078454, 27.078454,  7.963969 )    
             |   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate 
(Ang)     |
             | Si   1   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   |    0.00000   0.00000   
0.00000    |
             | Si   2   0.00000   0.00000   0.50000   |    2.19015   2.19015   
0.00000    |
             | C    1   0.25000   0.25000   0.12500   |    1.09508   1.09508   
1.09508    |
             | C    2   0.25000   0.25000   0.62500   |    3.28523   3.28523   
1.09508    |
      Example for 2H-SiC  (4 atom primitve wurtzite unit cell for SiC)
            (Note: this example did not run... specifically the final step with 
wannier90.x gives a convergence error and terminates)
             Error in symmetrize_u: not converged
            Either eps is too small or specified irreps is not
              compatible with the bands
            diff,eps=    0.2910700672E+02    0.1000000000E-06
             symmetrize_ukirr: not converged
             |   Site       Fractional Coordinate          Cartesian Coordinate 
(Ang)     |
             | Si   1   0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   |    0.00000   0.00000   
0.00000    |
             | Si   2   0.33333  -0.33333   0.50000   |    0.00000   1.78692   
2.53571    |
             | C    1   0.00000   0.00000   0.37677   |    0.00000   0.00000   
1.91076    |
             | C    2   0.33333  -0.33333   0.87677   |    0.00000   1.78692   
4.44647    |
I am looking for advice on how/why I am getting error messages and how to get 
quality converged results when using site_symmetry=TRUE in wannier90 (combined 
with quantum espresso (QE) and pw2wannier90's flag write_dmn=True).


Joseph Sink, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Department of Physics and Astronomy

Attachment: 2H_SiC_run.shell
Description: 2H_SiC_run.shell

Attachment: 3C_doubled_SiC_run.sh
Description: 3C_doubled_SiC_run.sh

Attachment: 3C_SiC_run.shell
Description: 3C_SiC_run.shell

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