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From: "Jelena Tasic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi!

 Hi Jelena,

> First, sorry for my English which isn't very well, but I hope that you're
> going to understand me. My name is Jelena (17), and I live in Yugoslavia.
> I'm on this list for few months, I guess. I'm interested in politics but
> haven't graduate political science (yet!) :))) That's all about me for
> bye,

  You are easy to understand.  I'm not a graduate of political science
either... but this list is a place where you can bring up any type of
political topic, so post a couple of ideas and see who bites :)

  I must admit, I haven't been following the political developments in the
Balkans... what has happened with the elections?  I had heard that
Milocevic had refused to accept the election results... but I haven't heard
anything since then...

   How about giving us some 'inside' information? :)

John T

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