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As the people of Afghanistan continue to be bombarded with bombs, the
working class of the US, Britain etc. are bombarded with "news" via the
printed and (especially) broadcast media.

You may well be familiar with the effects at home, work or school –
people reacting with fear, anger, bemusement etc. to the latest
revelations we are treated to, whether they be about terrorism,
anthrax, the use of ground  troops etc.. 

Many are trying to understand what's at the root of it all,
"The Media" always making sure that something remains "missing in the
middle": anything that might inadvertently point to the capitalist mode
of production as the underlying cause of the apparently varied miseries
which face us every day.

Certainly anything that might help make the link between the
exploitation we suffer in our daily lives and the wars and terror we
see presented as media spectacle elsewhere...

...For the real war, the class war, takes place every day, wherever we
are, here in our everyday lives.

www.worldsocialism.org - The Antidote To The Capitalist News.

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