Hi Al:

Remember the "Twilight Zone" with Rod Serling?  [hahahahaha]  Must be a 
slow news day!  I'm on another list of 650+ subscribers and this is the 
standard fare.  You get what you put in, you know, sport? [hahahahaha]

I was still in the Army, 1975, June i think, and saw Elvis in concert at 
the Honolulu Civic Center.  Great concert.  We were about 15 feet from 
the stage - second row.  He was becoming fat about that time.  He 
carried guns around on a regular basis, some sort of gun nut, huh?, 
maybe even some paranoia from all the legal drugs [pills] he was 
consuming - doubt it was from the banana cheeseburgers... [hahahahaha]

Onto UFOs, saw one of those things when i was age-11 - the day before 
the Goldwater-Johnson election day in 1964.  It was stationary over some 
buildings in a city [i'll keep unnamed] and hovered for about 15 
minutes, before i tired of looking at it and went back inside the house. 
 Always thought about that over the years and it kinda turned in the 
back of my mind as some sort of a sleeping dream, i began to presume it 
as such, i should say.  Lo and behold, a couple years ago, was at a 
family reunion, and the topic of flying saucers came up, and my brother 
took his turn talking and related the same event, unfolding his 
"version" of what he saw.  He's several years older and had more a more 
"grownup" aspect of what we "witnessed".  He is a camera buff and why he 
didn't grab his and snap a few pics, we'll never know.  Anyways, it was 
about 20 yards across and 5 yards high and a roundish shape and faint 
reddish glow.  Circus tent shape.  Remember that this is early November 
and no leaves on trees and the grass was brown, no snow yet and around 
sunset and clouded over.  Somewhat like what you did yesterday you can 
remember it as color, and then like something that happened years ago, 
the colors began to fade and it becomes kind of a "gray" memory.  Faded 

Well Al, why don't you start a thread?

If you don't... "The Twilight Zone" syndrome will set in. [hahahahaha]




Al Winslow wrote:
> It's bad enough to have my mailbox full of conventional news stories -- 
> that I am perfectly capable of finding for myself should I care to, 
> thank you. But to find this paranoid silliness about the freaking 
> "Bildrerberg Conspiracy" cluttering my screen is downright annoying. 
> What's wrong, no Elvis sightings or UFO stpries today?
> Al Winslow
> ----------------------
> Claes Persson wrote:
> <snip>
> coverage.
> > Even with the advance warning he provides there is far less
> > coverage than might be expected. Reuters, News International,
> > Washington Post, Hollinger and other media in attendance
> > encourage token or zero coverage within their own empires.
> > But it's not just the press and public who are kept in the dark.
> <snip>
> >  
> > This year's Bilderberg Conference, featuring 120 or so
> > of the most influential men in Europe and North America,
> > looks certain to be taking place between Thursday 30th May
> > and Sunday 2nd June 2002 at The Westfields Marriott Hotel
> > in Chantilly Virginia.
> >  
> > In its Élite Conference Guide of Christmas 1987, the
> > Economist described Bilderberg as 'Ne plus ultra'
> > or 'the top of the top.'
> > 
> > The élite that attend Bilderberg have real power to change
> > the world for the better but the press are 'encouraged' not
> > to cover the event because Bilderberg's power centralising
> > policies such the Euro, the war on terrorism and cuts in
> > public spending are making things much, much worse.
> > Bilderbergers are afraid that the global strategists who
> > plan and force through these geostrategic policies will be
> > identified and exposed as the real villains of the world.
> >  
> > Venues for these annual élite meetings are consistently
> > palatial. Hotels generally have their own golf course attached
> > and are sealed off from the outside world behind high walls.
> > Though the Bilderberg secretariat insists the meetings are
> > private, national military agencies such as MI6 or the CIA
> > provide round-the-clock security at public expense.
> >  
> > But there have been leaks. Top of the agenda this year,
> > we're told, is Saddam Hussein's Iraq, and how to persuade
> > a reluctant west to once more attack one of the world's
> > weakest countries. Already ravaged by ten years of sanctions
> > and with an infant mortality rate currently at about five to six
> > thousand a month an attack on Iraq is nevertheless deemed
> > 'necessary' by the élite to justify continued Western troop
> > deployment and control of oil reserves in the Middle East.
> > 
> > The leaks come from Jim Tucker, a writer for American Free
> > Press in Washington DC, who is the only journalist in the
> > world to discover the venue and date of the annual Bilderberg
> > Meeting before the event. He is leaked 
> <snip>
> > Although the Bilderberg office in Leiden, Holland issues a 'press
> > release' of its own, it does so a few hours after the last black
> > Mercedes containing the last participant has left the conference
> > area. Coldly calculated to ensure the press can't cover anything.
> > 

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